Here’s the story. I regularly cut my boys’ hair. Because I’m cheap. So the other day — on hair-cutting day — my son asked if I would shave a lightning bolt into the side of his head. I hesitated with all those motherly questions like, “Are you sure? Why do you want a lighting bolt?” And finally landed in the camp of “it’s just hair”. So I said yes.
Shortly after his lightning bolt engraving, he went downstairs and got this temporary tattoo of a snake coiled around a sword that he had found on the ground last week and he put that baby on the back of his neck. So now his head is shaved semi-mohawkish. He has a lightning bolt on one side. And there’s a temporary tattoo of a fanged snake on his neck. I looked like mom of the year, fo’ sho’.
So then I had a little talk with him about how what we put on our bodies says stuff to the world. Like my own tattoos — gasp, gulp. Yes, I have tattoos ’cause I’m hard-core drivin’ my mini-van around town rappin’ about Jesus. Anyway, I was explaining that my (visible) tattoos all point to my faith in Jesus so it gives me opportunity to talk about Him to the world.
Then I asked what that lightning bolt could say to the world about God. He thought for a minute and said that it could point to God’s POWER! Then I think he growled. Next I asked him about that snake with the sword tattoo. He thought for a minute and decided to scrub it off. And then later informed me that when he gets big he wants a tattoo down his whole arm that says “G-O-D”. We’ll have a conversation about that one later.
So that’s what happened. But here’s the text I got from my sister last night. (FYI: “Luke” is my brother-in-law)
Luke: is your sister on drugs?
My sister: What??? NO!
Luke: She cut a lightning bolt in Bryson’s hair.
My sister: Yeah cause he asked her to. What’s the big deal? It’s just hair.
Luke: Bryson told me, “Mom wanted to do it for God’s power.” I was just imagining some hippy trips going on over there.
Yep. That’s now the reputation that goes before me. I am on drugs and write messages in all my kids’ heads. Nice to meet you.
After I died laughing. I remembered that I already had this post ready to publish for today. And the story fit perfectly. Because God has me asking myself a really tough question these days. Really tough. So if you’re wanting it to be a pleasant, no conviction type of day then you may want to just click away now. I’m warning you. This one may rock your little Tuesday boat like it has rocked mine.
OK brave ones, here it is…
What, if taken away,
would make me feel as if my life was over?
(or at least make me feel devastated)
In other words, what or who do I depend upon for my identity other than Jesus. What do I need to work out as planned in order to live a life marked by peace and joy? Granted, God is tender to our human perspective and our human pain. And things can definitely be very sad in this world. And He meets us there in the midst of our griefs and disappointments. But what, other than Him, do I think I need to live?
Sweet people, pondering that question has brought me to my face — literally. Like there was dog hair from the carpet stuck to my forehead. Because let’s just call it what it is. Depending on anything or anyone other than Jesus for our life is idolatry. And I have approximately 143 idols that I’m tempted to worship. And that makes me feel sick. And that makes me ever-thankful for grace.
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”
Matthew 6:24a“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Galatians 1:10
So what is one thing that God is showing me that I depend upon or at least look to for some solace? YOU! Yep. You. Ok, so I don’t have you bronzed and sitting on my mantle with incense smoking up my living room. But one idol that my heart leans toward is you! Specifically what you think about me, a.k.a. my reputation.
Not that you’re not fantastic. You are. And not that what you think isn’t important. It is. But when my heart looks to anything or anyone other than my Jesus for my security and/or my identity, well then, I’m missing the point of life. I’m hanging with idols. And hanging with idols never gives us the life God created us to live.
Our reputation is not ultimately our responsibility. It’s not. Reputation is what people think of us. And you know what? You and I cannot and never will be able to control what people think about us. Or control what our children may say about their hair cuts. It ain’t gonna happen. Ever.
Jesus was and is perfect, holy, righteous, awesome, and love. And look at what people did to him and thought of him. Look at what people still do with Him and think of him. It’s only logical that with my many imperfect, unrighteous, less-than-awesome, and unloving moments, that any good reputation I may have is purely an act of God’s grace.
Beautiful grace.
Our beloved reputation isn’t ours to control. Our ultimate calling is to love and worship our God, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As we do, His love then flows out of us onto our corner of the world in which He places us.
Our calling is to keep our gaze set on our God, following where He leads and then trusting Him with the results. Otherwise we’ll waste the precious time He has given us worrying about and trying to straighten out what people think. Straightening out whether or not people think we’re shaving our kids’ heads with an agenda. Good grief.
I love you and God calls and leads me to serve you in love. But I can’t spend my time worrying about what you think of me. And neither can you. So I pray He empowers us to live for an audience of One today — eyes set on our good God who guides our feet with a pursuing, gracious love.
And for the record, I love my brother-in-law.
Fill me, Lord…
What are you tempted to depend upon for life other than Jesus?
This is so good. I can so relate to that reputation hang up. Yes, yes…audience of one. I believe that but need the reminders. I was JUST reading in Ezekiel this morning about idols and asking God these same questions…man, those things can creep in so quickly! Lots of high places I didn’t realize were there. Praise the Lord that He is gracious enough to help knock em down and bring freedom (even though yeah, it hurts.) Love to you, friend…also I laughed out loud because my brother in law (whom I dearly love )has said similar things about my…tendencies. Specifically brightly printed leggings, music choices, and made up nicknames for my children. It’s a good thing I like him, or rather, that I really like my sister and she likes him and soooo…. But, I digress. 😉 Enjoy your Jesus-rappin’ sesh today with the lightning bolt boy. I can hear the idols falling down. 🙂
Ugh. It does hurt when He tears them down for us. But I know it’s good. Always good. (And that’s hilarious about your brother in law. 🙂
Miss you. 😉
So good, Lara. And like Ashlie, I just finished an Ezekiel Bible study and had to deal with the idols in my life as well. My husband and I had the “reputation conversation” just last week. I call mine “image maintenance” because that’s really what I try to do. As if…
Thank you for obediently pausing from your blogging break!
Image maintenance. Yep. It’s dumb. As if… Bless you, sister.
Oh Lara, this is so good, absolutely spot on. I had an encounter with God last fall – during worship – when He informed me that some dreams I was holding tightly to were because I wanted others to see me as someone important. Ouch! It’s not easy to lay those idols down, but maybe the first step is to acknowledge that we’ve made them into idols.
God bless,
So true, Laura. Holding all our supposed plans with open hands is always best — trusting Him to do as He wills. It’s when we close our fingers tight that we get into trouble. Blessings to you, friend.
Okay Lara, you’ve opened the door to talk about your tattoos…. I often ask people about their tattoos because I assume it will be something close to their heart and they will enjoy sharing. Do tell..