Let me just get to the point, my friend. If you are breathing — which you obviously are — then the God of the universe intends for hope
and victory to stir within you. Hope and victory! Yet so many of us call ourselves Christians while living a defeated existence. We name Christ as Lord but walk around tired and overwhelmed.
But God has something more!
He gives joy in the trials and peace in the storms. He tears down the strongholds and pours out strength after strength. And He does it regardless of our circumstance. In whatever season we find ourselves — from the valley to the mountaintop – God has grace gifts ready for us to unfold!

Who am I? I’m Lara. But before you get some distorted view in your sweet brain, know this. I fail daily. Hourly. I run after my selfish agenda and react to spilled milk. But God graciously picks me back up and sets my feet firm, while whispering promises of love and mercy.
So in this space I simply lay my faith walk out there. I share the things with which I wrestle and some of the victories He graciously grants. And I pray. (Philippians 1:9-11) I pray that He uses this space to spur on a wildly vibrant faith in us. A faith that believes Him to move and work and bless. Not because we deserve it, but because He’s just that amazingly generous.
The God of the universe pursues us with a relentless love. Let’s dare to believe Him. Let’s ask Him to fill us full, to overflowing.
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