I’ve noticed that I can compromise. He leads me to set some unwritten “rule” for myself — something that will bring blessing if I will obey — but at times I don’t listen.
True, grace abounds. True, I won’t do life perfectly. But I heard a story this weekend of a pastor living in rebellion from his family and his God and it shook me a little. It made me think of the small compromises.
I whispered a desperate prayer under my breath, “Lord, keep me close.” Because I’m not any better or stronger than him. (Believe me.) None of us are. And if we think otherwise, then we set ourselves up for our own destruction.
Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.
1 Corinthians 10:12
Straying from the Lord happens in the small things. We make one little compromise followed by another and then another. Until we wake up one day and our feet no longer follow after His.
flickr photo credit: xavier lecomte
I don’t want to go that route. I’ve lived in rebellion and it doesn’t satisfy. But this heart of mine deceives. (Jeremiah 17:9) And the enemy lies. (John 8:44) I can get sucked into our world so quick, thinking that stuff satisfies and people fulfill my craving.
So I ask Him to open my eyes. I trust Him to show the places of seemingly small compromise in my own life. I pray He reveals that which needs to be shed from my wayward flesh.
I don’t ask out of fear — though He is holy and will have the final say. It’s just that I’ve tasted and seen that He is good. (Psalm 34:8) Life in Him brings the greatest blessing.
I whisper, “Lord, keep me close.” His chastening does sting. (Proverbs 3:11-12) But a sweetness waits on the other side of His discipline. The sweetness of intimacy.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you seen one compromise in your own life lead to greater rebellion?
Compromise Caroline or Caroline Compromises…ick. There were a lot of things that I did b/c I thought I deserved them…not even true. I could justify anything. By God’s sweet grace, he has plans for me & I am out of that pit of rebellion. I crave God to be the constant in my life.
Yes, friend. I know that craving. He is so gracious. Blessings, sister!
I find that when I don’t spend my ‘time’ with Him in the morning…I’m all over the place that day. Small and big compromises…all day long. I love how you state that it’s not out of fear you ask for Him to reveal stuff, but you’ve ‘tasted’ Him and found it to be good and don’t want to lose that. So, so awesome…
That start of the day with Him is key for me too. Setting the tone for moment by moment surrender.
I have seen this happen. My mind rationalizes it! It’s like fighting against myself when I know that it won’t be done in my strength or on my own. Oh…good thing He loves me. Constantly. Continually. Helping me to hold to Him when I want to take seemingly small steps in the other direction. When I realize it I start relearning things He already taught me.
My friend, you are not alone. I stand only because of His grace. Xoxo
Thank you for sharing this. At this time I’m fighting my way out of the pit that started with “little” compromises. Oh yes LORD keep me close. I know His Love and Grace is bringing me back to sweet fellowship with Him.