The more I write on the thought-life, the more vast the topic becomes. And the more vast the topic becomes, the more tempting it is to bow in defeat at the idea of every thought.
Then I look at him. This God of ours who parts waters in two and raises dead people from the grave. This God who breathes life into dirt and changes the direction of a heart. Who does that?
I’m thinking he meant it when he said that we have weapons mighty in him for bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Every. Thought. Captive. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
We, in ourselves, could never. But he, this uncontainable God of ours, promised.
Our weapons in the fight seem trite at first glance. In fact, to a rebellious world they seem absurd. But his word is our sword. His Spirit reveals and empowers. And our faith is the victory.
Fill me, Lord…
So how goes your battle in bringing those continual thoughts captive to obedience?
What victories have you personally experienced?
What challenges do you still face?
And to my fellow bloggers, I would love for you to link up below with your own blog post about the thought life. I can’t wait to read YOUR words.
I’ve really enjoyed your series, Lara. I don’t have a post to link up, but I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you. It’s nice to find like minded people! 🙂
Thanks, Kelly. I appreciate you as well. And I’ve loved sharing #hellomornings space together. 🙂
Thoughts invade so many times during the day, sometimes I think, where did that come from? When wrong thoughts entire I pray, God take them away. Sometimes the thoughts are so strong I have to put myself on my knees before the cross to do away with them.
I know what you mean. Sometimes thoughts can come out of nowhere (it seems). I’m also learning how to fight against those. Prayer is so key. Then replacing those thoughts with true things. Thanks for sharing!
I have loved this series! I am in the midst of writing a post to link up but today’s been very busy. It might be tomorrow before I get it out there. Thanks so much for your deep ponderings on this topic! xoxo
Yay, Christine. I can’t wait to read your post. You inspire me, friend.
Great series Lara! Thank you for the chance to link up. Like Kelly said…great to find like minded people who want to honor God with their life, starting with their thought life. Have you ever heard of the “Me, Myself, and Lies” bible study by Jennifer Rothschild? I did it a couple years back and it was so helpful in sorting out the lies we listen to. Encouraged me to find scriptural truth to combat the most common lies I fall for. God Bless! (think this would make a great eBook!)
Sometimes when the enemy is so big, and overpowering…it is difficult to know God WILL protect us from the worst enemy, and prayer are our most valuable weapon. God can save us from ANY circumstance, no matter how scary it may seem. I am so blessed and thankful to have a God that is SO loving and merciful to me! Thanks Lara, for these words I so needed today! xoxo
There was a day that my thought life ran rampant. Rebellion was my first thought. Fear and that inner loathing ran a close second. I still struggle some days. Entering my day with a moment with the Lord puts the facts in my head that I repeat through out the day. With out Him and His word I am a Christian lost in only “religion” and my mind is lost in “the struggle”. With out Him I gain nothing to lay at His feat at the end of this journey. With Him my life is renewed everyday, hope is the gleam in my eyes and grace the sheild that protects me from myself and the enemy. I love love loved this series. Thank you again for your walk, your posts and your friendship. I always look forward to reading more!