Is it just me? Or do the lies bombard at times?
The most recent ridiculous-ness hit me this weekend. I sat in church about to worship our awesome God and decided that I was a bad mom, horrible wife, sub par writer, and second-class speaker. And for a few depressing minutes, defeat fell on me like a heavy blanket smothering the fires of faith.
I think it all started during our morning routine. To put it briefly, my kids embraced their whiny side before church. And my brain felt like exploding by the time we pulled into the parking lot. And because they were whine-addicts, somehow I decided that I stunk as a mom. Then I just threw in the rest of my callings to make the lies really dramatic.
Thankfully, He opened my eyes before we got through the first song. He reminded me to ask Him, “What in the world am I thinking?” Then He showed me. And He faithfully spoke truth.
“Don’t look at the people around you for affirmation.
Look at Me.
I declare you righteous.
I name you ‘daughter.’
I equip you for every call I place upon you.
I am delighted with you.
Keep your eyes set firmly on Me, my child.”
I closed my eyes and thanked Him for being all Daddy-like. Because sometimes we need a real Daddy-like response from Him.
The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
People will fail and whine just like us. So if we look to the behavior of others to determine our worth, we will always want, need, crave something more. But people do not determine our worth or identity or righteousness. He does. And He continually says love things.
The lies will bombard — some days more than others. That’s one reason we desperately need His truth stirring in our hearts. That’s one reason I post each week about memorizing Scripture. I need my mind focused on true things, otherwise I will believe the lies.
For those joining me in the Sermon on the Mount memorization journey, here are this week’s verses. Be blessed, my friends:
But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Matthew 6:6-8
Fill me, Lord…
What lies have you been tempted to believe lately?
What truths can you declare to combat those lies?
So many times I allow my view to be skewed by the behaviors around me. What a breath of fresh air! Thank you, O daughter of the King, for reminding me of His Daddy-likeness!
I love it when He reminds me of His daddyness. He’s so good. Blessings.
Whew! you wrote this right from the pages of my heart! I needed this – right this minute in fact and Thank God that you wrote it for others to read. Thank you for sharing God’s Truth in the face of horrific disabling, debilitating, twisted lies of the enemy and our own deceitful hearts.
Praying you have fresh vision to see when the enemy is hurling lies. Praying you stand firm on the truths of our good, gracious, love God. Thank you, sister.