I love going to conferences and worshipping and teaching and getting that Christian “high.” My feelings ooze love and joy just because I’ve been in His presence and sang really loud and poured over His Word.
But then I get home. And laundry piles, kids need stuff, appliances break…and feelings change. Feelings.
I say it often but it bears repeating. Feelings are real but they are not reliable. They fluctuate with circumstance. They’re fluid.
Faith is believing the promises of God even when I can’t see them. Faith is believing the character of God even when I don’t have the ooey-gooey feelings. Like when it’s Monday.
So what do we do when the feelings just aren’t there? We declare truths. Yep, out-loud. Declare God’s character and His promises. Declare His past faithfulness. Just declare.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34:1-3
When we choose to praise and believe Him, in spite of our feelings, He blesses. When we choose to steer our hearts towards truth, feelings eventually follow.
Fill me, Lord…
Practically speaking, how do you steer your heart towards Him in spite of feelings?
Prayer helps me steer my heart towards Him. When I don’t “feel” like it. I talk to Him about what is going on. He is so faithful to draw me close.
Just like the Psalms, laying how we feel before Him and then reminding ourselves of His faithfulness. Thanks, Debby.
I appreciate the heart behind this, but I don’t think we should always do things “in spite” of our feelings. We make these kind of remarks forgetting that our mind, too, is fallen, and the mind is both the seat of our emotions and the cognitions we use to dismiss them. You don’t have to always out-think the way you feel. There’s a great book by Matthew Elliot called “FEEL: The Power of Listening to Your Heart” that addresses a lot of this. http://www.faithfulfeelings.com/
Thanks, Ryan. I definitely agree that the mind is just as fallen. When the word says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked it includes the mind. However, being that the heart is desperately wicked, stirring a plethora of emotions on a continual basis, I think it absolutely vital we meditate upon/declare true things. More specifically, declare His Word. His Word is our sword, our weapon against any and every falsity whether originating in our own broken flesh or originating from enemies of God. (Eph. 6) If we begin with our emotions, we are more likely to believe lies. That’s why it is vital we begin with Truth, evaluating our emotions through the lens of His spoken Word. Just like Jesus did in that garden before being crucified, “Nevertheless, Your will be done.” Blessings to you.
Oh and I am not dismissing the resource you listed. I look forward to reading more about that. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, I agree with Debby. When I am in this situation, I pray. I confess to God that my feelings are hurt or wrong or whatever and I beg Him to show me HIS perspective. He does it every time I ask. Yes, He is SO faithful!
I think the key is to KEEP talking to God about your feelings–Just like you would a friend. He’s the best!
Yes, keep the conversation open. That is vital. You’re a blessing, sister.
Feelings can be fatal. I’ve had some of the worst feelings that a person can have and it would not be an exaggeration that if I had acted on many of those feelings I would at the very least be in jail. I do agree wholeheartedly that feelings are real and aren’t to be ignored. I also agree that feelings stem from the wickedness of a fallen world. This fact in itself says a lot about how they should be handled. We must seek truth from the Word. It is our only tool to discern what should be done with these feelings.
While there may be a FEW appropriate times to act on my feelings, this should NEVER be done without first going straight to the Word for the truth of the matter. Once that is done, often I find that these feelings are nothing more than lies. Even if there was a legitimate offense. Oh and believe me, I have lived some very legitimate offenses.
Despite offenses, declaring God’s truth over my wicked heart/mind is the only way to keep myself from falling.
Preach it, sister. I like when you said, “I would at the very least be in jail.” Seriously true. You know I love you, friend.
Are you narrating my life on this blog or what?! 🙂