Well hello! I’ve been quiet around here (which seems to be how I start every post these days). But it’s because I’ve been focusing my writing time on a new 4-week Bible study I will be releasing in a couple of weeks. Woo-hoo! I’m really excited about it. I’ve had some sweet times with the Lord through this writing process. And your prayers are much appreciated as finish up.
In other news, I just completed Beth Moore’s newest study “Children of the Day.” I hadn’t done one of her studies in years but it was so good. God used it to meet with me in intimate ways. And as I finished its last page and closed the back cover I sat with the Lord, savoring the moment.
I had lots of take-aways from the study, but one verse in particular from 2 Thessalonians keeps swirling around in my mind, meeting me in my days.
I think it has stuck with me because this world is so broken. I have a friend walking through an excruciating battle with cancer. I turn on the news and see political…madness. I click on a link to the Kibera slums in Kenya and my mind can’t process the poverty. Relationships become entangled with sin and hurt. This world is devastatingly broken. And I stand forever in need of a good dose of Jesus.
Which is where the verse comes in.
“And then the lawless one will be revealed,
whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth
and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.”
2 Thessalonians 2:8
Yes, our world is whack. Yes, the enemy moves about here causing turmoil. Yes, the antichrist will come and pour out pure evil. Yes, slums exist. Yes, relationships suffer. Yes, sickness dwells here.
But Jesus. Jesus.
My Jesus sits on the throne. He intercedes for me and for you. He fights for us. He defeated sin for us. He brought peace between us and the Father. He carries us through this meantime. And one day, He will come again. And He, by the breath of His mouth, will bring to nothing every evil thing. He is the hero.
I need to remember that. And maybe you do to. Life on planet earth will happen today. But this is not our home. In Christ, we’re just sojourners here, heading to our rightful place. I pray for you as I pray for myself, that He empowers us to set our minds on eternal things when the temporary stuff invades. Happy blessed Monday, sweet friend.
Fill me, Lord…
What has God been showing you lately?
I’m presently in Week 7 of Beth Moore’s, Children Of The Day. “Let no one deceive you in ANY way” has been ringing in my ears the past few days. I know the enemy can come against me in any way, any time, but in Jesus I can “zealously ask God to grant me spiritual discernment and protection from deception and cynicism.” (pg. 169)
I love how you said….BUT Jesus. Jesus.
It’s such a great study. We have an amazing God. Blessings, Nina.
LOVED the Children of the Day study. What reverberated in me – and I’ve shared several times – was that there are 3 times spoken of in the Bible, with which we have to do: 1. Now. 2. Only a little while. 3. When the Lord Jesus is revealed. I have loved that and found it quite comforting. Most of our times, to endure or to work through, are for right now and only a little while. I can do that. I can do this, whatever it may be, for a little while. I can wait for a little while. I can break up time into segments of a ittle while, and thereby, endure circumstances. Finally that the whole creation is moving toward the final Time, When The Lord Jesus Is Revealed, blesses me. All 3 bless my heart and mind.
Great insight, Julie! “A little while.”
I just finished the homework on that very verse. My group has two weeks left in the study. So good. God has been showing me how much I need to hold my sweet Jesus and Him so much closer. Thanks for sharing.
He’s the hero of this big whole life story. Blessings to you, Tammy.