One thing that makes parenthood so stinkin’ difficult at times is that these little people won’t naturally do what I say. It seems to take infinite reminding or slight coercion. They want what they want and they tend to overreact when things don’t go their way. Sounds slightly familiar.
But maybe that’s the point. I mean, maybe one main point of parenthood is learning that our job isn’t to control other humans. He doesn’t even call us to control our kids. He calls us to train them up in His ways. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7) His job is to keep them from stumbling. (Jude 24-25)
So we teach them over and over and over and over that obedience will lead to blessing and that disobedience will lead to discipline. And we keep pointing their gaze to the One who forgives and lavishly loves . But beyond that is the release.
For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler…
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.
Psalm 91:3-4, 11
We humans are bent towards rebellion. It’s what we do when left to us. We need continual reminding of true things. We touch the burner just to make sure it’s actually hot.
That’s exactly why I’ve come to expect disobedience. Not in a defeated way, just in a “remember they’re human” way. Because when I remember that they’re just like me — selfish and broken apart from Jesus — I don’t take their sin as personally.
Being a mom is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, mainly because these little people don’t naturally do what I say. But it’s in the most difficult of circumstances that God’s power can overwhelm us.*
“So let’s do this, little ones. You will fail, just like me. But by His grace I’ll keep pointing you to the One for whom your soul longs.”
Fill me, Lord…
As our ultimate example, what can we learn from how God parents us?
* I’m hanging out over at Inspired to Action today talking a little more about motherhood. Click here to read.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Many, many things I can learn from God on how to parent.
Two things come to my mind. Patience and freedom of choice.
Patience- He is patient with me. No matter how many times I may fail or be whiney about something He is still there waiting on me, calming me, loving me.
Freedom of choice- so many times I think as parents we tend to push our children toward what we want for them instead of letting them choose (even though we know that those choices might not be the best for them).
LOVE those words of wisdom, Heather. God is so gracious and awesome.
I was going to write the same things as Heather (thought not worded so eloquently). I’d also like to add that we need to remember that our plans for them may not necessarily be the same as what God has in mind for them. Let them be free to be who He wants them to be, not who we want them to be and follow His paths, not ours. And in the midst of teaching my children to be patient, gentle, polite, and home educating my children, my number one role at their mother is to teach them about the Lord.