A little Friday vlog action. I pray this brief word encourages you, my friend.
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Christ died and rose to give us abundant life. Joy in the valleys. Peace through the storms. Hope in what should be despair. But when we fall into the pit of comparison, we forfeit abundant living because thoughts of comparison strangle our joy and peace.
Let’s believe what He says today. You and I are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139) He has specific things set aside for you to accomplish.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you struggled against the stronghold of comparison?
What true things can we choose to think upon when the temptation arises?
Preach it, girl! You spoke right to my heart. I love that he has embroidered us. What an intimate way to be made; skillfully and beautiful pieced, stitch by stitch. Thank you!
Blessings, Tereasa from hispenonmyheart.com
I’m preachin’ it (often to myself). Blessings, sister.
I saw the email about this new post from you earlier and I didnt get to it. I had several txt messages from friends asking me whether or not I was promoted today in the Navy. The promotion results came out today! God spoke to me about a year ago and let me know that I was to get out of the Navy, I am so thankful and happy about that. I always wanted to be home with my kids, however I cannot get out until December. God has been preparing our family for this transition and I KNOW that I want to get out, I know that it is His will for me to get out. But I cant help compare myself to other women who have managed to stay in and balance motherhood with the military. Even though I know my situation is different and I know my mothering is different, why do I allow myself to get hung up on these things? If I were promoted I would have to stay in and I could not get out in December; even though I know that….I still felt a bit like a failure when I saw I was not promoted!! Why??? Anyway I opened my email, and saw your beautiful face:) full of encouragement! I love how you are so normal…you are not afraid to say that you sometimes believe the lies of the enemy! That is really helpful to me and let’s me know that I am ok, I will take these thoughts under submission and keep moving. God has a plan for me and I know that…Thanks so much for your encouragement today. I know I wrote a bookfull LOL I hope I did not ramble on. I just wanted you to see how you truly blessed me today. Have a great weekend.
Not rambling at all. Friend, you are so normal. We all battle against lies. That’s what the enemy does. He lies. And he wants to steal from us everything that Christ died to give us. God *does* have a plan for you. As you seek to honor Him and love Him and walk intimately with Him, He faithfully leads. He opens the doors He that are best and closes the doors that aren’t. Praying with you that you believe the truth. His love motivates His movement in your life. I just know it. Blessings to you.