I mentioned last week that no matter how wild or loud life gets, we still have the choice to “abide” in Jesus. But what does that really mean? Because it sounds good and spiritual, but when people start rubbing us the wrong way…or we get some dreaded news, we need to know how to “abide.”
So for all you type A, give-me-a-list, people, here are four choices we can make in the day-in and day-out to help us abide in Him. Because I need all the practicalities I can get.
- Keep in constant conversation with God. Whether we’re happy, sad, angry, bitter, or vengeful — whatever the emotion — keeping in conversation with God is vital to abiding in Him.
- Marinate in His Word. Lies constantly bombard us. But if we don’t know what’s true, we won’t be able to identify the lies. That’s why we need His Word stirring in our hearts and minds.
- Repent and rest. If we’re not abiding in Him it’s because we’ve somehow turned away. Because God never forsakes. So if and when we make choices that compromise our intimacy with Him, the answer is to turn back to God. And then rest in His great grace that always welcomes us into His presence.
- Don’t try to do it alone. We need each other. Seriously. We were not meant to do this life alone. He didn’t create us to be little individual islands; we’re designed to be a body, serving and loving and holding one another up.
To abide — to endure, to remain — in Jesus will be a choice today, no matter the situation. Praying He strengthens us to press in and press on.
Fill me, Lord…
What else do you do in efforts to abide in Him?
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I like lists like this. Phrases like “abiding in Him,” “keeping my eyes on the Lord,” are my hearts cry. Unfortunately the busyness of this world makes it easy to get distracted. I think I’m going to print this list out and keep it in my Bible as a reminder. Thank you!
A list girl, huh. I like lists too. But I sometimes make my list after I do all my stuff and then check it off. That way I feel really productive. Seriously though, practicalities to ideas like “abiding” help me stay focused too. Blessings to you today, Jessica.
I tried to point my blog readers your way today in my post. Recommended your new book whole-heartedly. I got to preview it early as part of the bloggers review, so I plan to do a full recap post on it the week of the 18th. Please know what a blessing you are! Here’s the link in case you want to read what I wrote about you
(In bottom paragraph) http://marcusandkara.blogspot.com/2013/03/8-years.html