Some days, I don’t know what to pray. I know God calls His children to pray. I know that prayer means something and has power. But there are days when I sit before the Lord speechless. And it’s then that I’m so comforted by a few really big truths.
4 Truths that Comfort
ONE | Jesus is praying for me (and you).
Scripture teaches that Jesus is sitting beside the Father, waiting for the day of His return. And while He waits, He stays engaged in my life as His follower. He intercedes for me according to the will of God. (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 2:1) He prays that I/you would be kept from evil and sanctified by His Spirit. What a gift.
TWO | The Spirit is praying for me (and you).
Not only is Jesus interceding, the Spirit of God intercedes for us “with groanings too deep for words…according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:26-27) Which is why Romans 8:28 can be declared! Because the Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God, for those who love God, “all things work together for good.” (8:28) That is precious truth!
THREE | The Father remains in complete control.
A few years back the sovereignty of God became foundational to my own walk with Him. He graced me with deep faith in His complete control. If not even a sparrow falls to the ground apart His sovereign will, then I can totally trust that, no matter what comes into my life, it has passed through His Father hands. (Matthew 10:29) God isn’t playing catch-up with the enemy’s schemes. (I talk a lot about this in my study Fruitful Affliction.)
FOUR | Praying God’s Words are words enough.
I do believe that as God’s child I get to ask for things/situations/circumstances from my Father. I get to approach Him with requests that impact daily happenings. But when I don’t know what to pray for the everyday circumstances, something I can always pray is His Word. “Father, sanctify me according to Your Word.” “Lord, I trust You’re working all of this together for good.” “Father, I count this trial as joy because I know You are kind and in control.”
Not License to Lazy.
Rather, Freedom to Praise.
Yes, we’re called to pray. Jesus teaches us how to pray. And prayer changes things. It draws us closer to our Maker and shifts our perspective. It can make the proverbial mountains crumble and call forth the Kingdom of God onto earth. But when the words just won’t come, I’m so comforted to know that I’m not alone. My God is in control. The Son intercedes for me. The indwelling Spirit prays for me according to the will of the Father. And His Word is a gift to guide me straight to the Father’s heart.
Resting in these truths isn’t license to laziness in our prayer lives. Resting in these truths ushers in a freedom to praise. And as we praise Him — delighting in Him and spending time with Him — words will eventually flow again.
Fill me, Lord…
What truths comfort you when you struggle to know what to pray?
This is great Lara! So timely in my life…we are struggling in our circumstances and trying to be in His will. My husband and I picked up everything about 6 months ago for a new job across country and we have to decide if we are planting permanently or not in the next few months. But I have not made any lasting connections with the local homeschooling community. And we have been at a church with great teaching, but the atmosphere (although I don’t think it is meant to come across this way) seems to be that we are still outsiders even as we are trying to serve and become part of the body.
I am struck that He is still in control every day but I am scared because so far His answer has been “wait” and we are coming closer to when decisions need to be made and put into place for the next step in our journey. Thank you for this encouraging post!