Breathe. And again.
I know that this series is tough. It hits on real battles and daily challenges. So today we are taking a moment to simply breathe it in and then out again. Sit and listen to what he has to say from his word. And exhale.
“Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8
Next week I am going to share some of the thoughts I purposefully choose to meditate upon each day in regard to my kids, my husband, my circumstances, and my God. I’m really looking forward to those posts. Until then, I pray freedom prayers over you, friend.
{breath of life}You speak and the deep in me knows that life is pouring forth;
Yet I’m blind and weak, seduced by flesh depraved and a world deceived.You love and my spirit yearns for another touch;
Yet I’m numb from the lies my mind repeats.You awaken and I gasp for breath. Alive. Free.
Yet I’m tempted to lie down in total defeat.You carry and forgive and grace me over again;
So I come. I bow. I choose your word to believe.
Fill me, Lord…
What from the series thus far has been the most challenging?
What has been the most encouraging?
If you need to catch up on any of the series posts, just scroll down the sidebar to the right.
I think the most challanging thing for me is to make all of the “recognizing” of harmful thoughts a daily thing. To really be disciplined enough to keep my everyday thought life under control and under Gods authority. I struggle here as much as the next person. I have several truths from Gods word typed out on a sheet of paper right where I can see it everyday. But I need to actually do it everyday.
Oh Jen, that’s so true…the challenge of “recognizing.” In fact, I’m not sure we can even begin to make it a habit apart from the power of His Spirit revealing. (a later post) Praying for you as we walk this journey, friend.
This has been so good for me, Lara. It’s one more thing God is using in this season of maturing. Reading One Thousand Gifts is focusing my thoughts and practice helps but more than anything it’s just this verse you posted today. It’s the breathing in and out…HIM alone. His words, His truths, His thoughts becoming my thoughts. Today, I join a group of women to start Beth Moore’s Breaking Free study.
For the most challenging: recognizing the lies. Such big victories to come as I am seeing though the lens of truth instead!
Thanks for your intentional work here. Be blessed!
That study will be great! I’m sure you will be both blessed and challenged. Thanks for sharing.