It’s good to be back! I have had three amazing weekends serving some precious ladies. We laughed. We cried. We hugged. We even danced (yep, they caught my first flash mob on video). The Lord faithfully spoke and ministered to hearts.
And now my keyboard calls.
For those new to my blog, about fifty of us set out to memorize the Sermon on the Mount four-ish months ago. This week we will finish Matthew 5. Well, some of us will. Some of us (*ahem* me) still need to polish up a few of the verses. But we press on, knowing that His Word is life to our souls.
Last week we meditated upon Jesus words regarding true love. (Matthew 5:44-46) And I’ll tell you. It’s radical thinking. Radical. Thinking that flies in the face of the world’s definition of “real” and “love.” But Jesus does that. He says things that pierce to the core of our being and challenge everything the world shouts as truth.
“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” That just doesn’t come naturally. When left to me, I want to hurt those who hurt me. I want to get revenge and scream back. But that isn’t Jesus. That isn’t love.
True love lays self down and comes up under those who’ve cursed us. It lifts instead of pressing down. It intercedes instead of judging. Because that’s what Jesus did for me. He loved me when I hated Him. He pursued me with His love when I had my face turned the other way.
Love. Love those who misunderstand and mishandle us. It’s radical thinking. But it’s the freedom call upon us as children of God.
Let’s go do…not just hear.
For those joining me on this memorizing journey, here are this week’s verses:
And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5:47-48
Fill me, Lord…
How have you loved someone who has hurt you?
What soul reward did you experience?
Is He calling you to love an “enemy”?
My kids are definitely not my “enemies,” but they seem to persecute me sometimes (do you know what I mean?!). There are days when I feel like I’m constantly giving and they are only taking. It can hurt. And so, I am reminded over and over again to lay down myself, to love as He loves. To give up my rights to have it all comfy cozy in this life. And the reward is great. The reward is His peace.
I totally get that, Emily. Mommy hood is completely sacrificial. You are an amazing mom! Xoxo
I think this is week 16. Why am I being so particular you ask? Because I need that break week sooner than later 😉 I show April 22 as week 14 and April 30 as 15…is that right?