I got all fired up on Sunday. I’m in the midst of teaching a series I’ve written on Philippians to some of the most precious women on the planet — not an exaggeration. And Sunday, I got all fired up. They are so gracious to me.
We were saying how the Christian life is meant to be an action verb. Each day, each hour, we choose how to live it. We choose to either sit passive on the sidelines of faith or we choose to get in the race.
Pressing on. Reaching forward. Believing who he is and what he says.
I’ve recently started running. Yes, physically. Like lace-up-my-shoes-and-hit-the-road running. And I’m not gonna lie. It’s been challenging.
But I’m seeing something begin to happen. Everyday that I choose to get out there, my body grows stronger. Everyday that I choose to press through, I’m able to go further…with less drama to the lungs. And it has become such a metaphor for life.
There is a faith-race happening. People are running and sweating and enduring in Jesus name. And if we are his then we have a number pinned to our shirt. The race is ours. The question is, “Are we in it?”
I’m feeling myself getting all fired up just writing about it.
Today I’m hanging out with sweet Katie over at Do Not Depart, talking more about this faith-race. Click here to come on over and say hi. We have a faith-race to run, friends.
Fill me, Lord…
What weighs you down in this faith-race?
Practically speaking, how can we keep up our pace when the “race” gets rough?
As a reminder, the linky tool is still available for you to link up your own blog posts in response to the thought-life series. I love hearing how God is working in your own life.
I love your post over there today. Running is totally a metaphor for me too. It inspires, and is inspired by, my life with Christ. I’m so glad to join this journey with you!