Our pastor has preached on generosity recently. He said something in reference to money that stuck with me, “All of it — whether we give it or keep it — is His. All of it.”
That’s why I try to keep in constant conversation with Him about what I spend. I’m thankful He gives money for our enjoyment. But I desire to live balanced — as a good steward. I don’t always choose well. Every so often I splurge and then wait for “the look” from my man. But I want to remember through my daily coming and going that it’s not mine. It’s all His.
When it comes to generosity, it’s not about how much we give away. The amount is irrelevant. It’s the heart behind the giving. It’s the willingness to hold this stuff called money with open hands. It’s the faith to say, “God it’s Yours. Show me where You want to use it.” Because grasping it tight reveals a deeper issue. (Matthew 6:24; 1 Timothy 6:10)
All of it — whether we keep it or give it — is His.
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This is so true, and something I have to remind my self of at times. I also pray that God will help me to be wise with my finance and not foolish.
Me too, sister. I know He will guide.