Sarah! You won a paperback copy of my newest Bible study set to release the first week of May! Yay! I will email you with the details.
And about the cover font. Wow. We as humans have very different tastes, don’t we? Which is a beautiful thing. God didn’t create a bunch of robots. But, alas, I had to choose one cover font. And personally, I liked all three. Which made it that much harder. But strictly because of the votes, we’re going with #2. No personal offense to those who chose #1 or #3. I still greatly love you.
Thank you for your comments and your excitement with me. I’ve been truly awed by God through my time of writing this study. I pray even now that God graciously uses it in our lives to draw us deeper into Him. Stay tuned! More details to come.
Oh and if you haven’t yet signed up for my (monthly-ish) newsletter, this may be a good time to do that. Click here to find out how. I (irregularly) send out insider info on my upcoming projects and offer my newsletter subscribers exclusive VIP coupons. Sounds really exciting, doesn’t it. I’d love for you to join me.
OK, back to the cave I go.
I am so excited to find out if I am the “Sarah” that won. I voted and I am totally excited about this study! Waiting anxiously for e-mail♥
I figured there were a number of Sarahs. Ha. I just emailed the “winning” Sarah. Hope it was you since you are waiting anxiously. 🙂
Thank you again, Lara. I loved your “”Lifegiver” study. I really loved your cover on that study too as I love scrabble. Thank you for your example and faithfulness♥I am excited!:)
Ha! Another Sarah who was anxious to find out if I was THE Sarah. 😉 😉
You’re always THE Sarah. 🙂 hugs to you, sister.