Oh, there you are.
*me squinting*
For the last weekish I’ve been in the writer’s cave, only coming out for the bare necessities which includes but is not limited to feeding, bathing, and loving my family.
I could write my name in the dust on my bookshelves. A stack of wandering papers collects on the kitchen countertops. And the laundry apparently didn’t get the memo.
It’s amazing what you can “lay down” when circumstances insist you release the excess. Though dusting has never been my forte.
But I wanted to step out into the sunlight and say a quick hello. *hello*
Katie and I are so excited about the quickly approaching ebook release. We continue to pray for Him “to overflow” as we finish up the final pages.
So remember, we only want to do what He has for us today — no more, no less, no excess. Let’s seek His wisdom as we run the faith-race through this Wednesday.
OK, now I’m going to crawl back in. Talk soon, friends.
Fill me, Lord…
What have you been up to lately? Any “excess” you have to lay down these days?
I’m actually excited that you’ve been in that writing cave because I can’t wait for that eBook to be in my hands! I don’t know if you will ever truly understand what an encouragement you have been to me. Hope you are blessed today.
You are so sweet, Heather. So. sweet. You are such an encouragement to me too. 🙂 Talk soon.
Um…I’ve had to lay down most of the internet, including reading blogs I love (like this one!) every day. I sometimes wish I could spend hours reading and “chatting” but alas, these rambunctious boys don’t quite understand. I am praying for you, friend, as you finish up your book. I know it will bless so many, and He will be glorified. I can’t wait to get my hands on it 🙂 Love you!
Thank you, sweet friend. And oh how I love those “rambunctious” boys of yours. 🙂 Love you too!
Hi Lara! I don’t know why, but I just feel compelled to share what has been going on in my life lately.
Afew months ago, my best friend told me that her family was moving across the country this summer…and sadly, she moved at the beginning of summer. When I first heard the news, I was devastated (and still am!), but I know that this is God’s plan for our life and for our friendship. I have a feeling that this is going to help me break out of my shell a little and make some new friends within my youth group and my school.
A total God thing happened when an opportunity arose to be on the student leadership team at my church this next school year. Honestly, I never would have considered applying for this position on the student leadership team if my best friend wasn’t moving. We are kind of attached at the hip and rarely hang out with people besides each other. In my youth group, I feel like I always hang out with the same kids, and I want to meet new people. I think it will be an awesome oppurtunity to meet new people and break out of my shell. Plus, it’s my senior year! What an awesome way to end my high school career!
And, I just found out I got accepted on the team! I am so scared about it, but so excited! And I hope that this is a good and brave decision!
That is so exciting! It sounds like God is really stretching you. I know He will bless your stepping out. Keep seeking Him sweet sister-friend. He will continue to faithfully guide.
Oh man… so much to lay down and re-order, it’s a daily thing for us humans… can’t wait for your e-book release!!!! praying for you as you wrap up the writing 🙂