“But I feel like I want to.” The plight of human existence. Paul talked about it in Romans, “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19) The plight.
Just because we may feel like we want to do something doesn’t mean it’s best. Just because we may feel like we really really want to go there or eat that or do that thing again doesn’t mean it’s God’s leading.
I mean, look at our kids. My son would eat candy for dinner if I let him. He wants it. He wants it bad. But I’m his mama, and I know that candy for dinner won’t take him down the best path.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy. The wrestling against our seeming wants can be excruciating at times because our flesh puts up a fight. But it isn’t a hopeless wrestling.
As I’ve been “coming to” from that selfish road, I’ve battled against fleshly wants. But God has reminded me of some priceless truths.
- He remembers we’re dust. He’s so patient with our process. He knows we’re human. And He (fervently!) loves us regardless.
- He empowers us to overcome. That doesn’t mean we’ll battle the flesh perfectly. But if we’re His, He has sealed us with His Spirit. And His Spirit empowers. We’re not alone. He wants to fight for us.
- His Word really is our sword. The enemy lies. Our flesh is tempted. But Jesus fought the attacks with Truth. (Matthew 4) Proclaiming God’s Word out-loud really does send the enemy running.
- You and I, we’re not alone. We need each other. Listen. We’re all messy. And needy — for grace and accountability and encouragement. There’s great power in allowing Jesus-following people into the battle with us. We were never meant to do it alone.
Just because we want it doesn’t make it best. So stand guard, my friend. By His grace we endure.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you battle against flesh desires?
Thank you Lara~ praying you have a spirit led day today- and friend many are joining you in this journey through prayer. I am so getting your book! Also, who do you blog through? google? blogger? I will be adding this layer into my life this year sometime…
Hi girl! Thank you. And I blog with WordPress.org. I have used blogger and WordPress.com but I definitely like this the best. Check out BloggingWithAmy.com for some great blogging tips. And keep me posted!
I battle against flesh desires by texting you! 🙂 And sometimes I eat candy for breakfast. But also, I go hard with the Lord. I wrestle it out. I refuse to get up from my special place where I talk with Him until I know that I won’t give in when I get up. Because if I go into the world less that prepared and certain, I will give in.
And you know how much I love your texts. 🙂 And I know that He absolutely loves how you press into Him, my friend.
I feel like it’s a constant battle at times. For me, sometimes the hardest “battles against flesh desires” are when I have to CHOOSE to not react selfishly or with anger in certain situations (especially pertaining to my children). As hard as it is to admit, I often lose patience and my temper and unless I quickly run to Jesus for help, I can completely blow it. In these situations I have learned to do several things: Stop and pray. Right then and there, out loud so that my ears and my children’s will be reminded of my need for Grace and His help. I also have learned to recite the fruits of the Spirit out loud when needed. The amazing part is that now my children do the same. When my four year old daughter is upset I can hear her saying to herself “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”. I guess that tells you how often I have had to recite these, lol! However, if my children seeing my weaknesses and need for God’s grace can push them closer to Him, then I’m all for it.
Girl you are not alone. And I think that’s precious. Your kids see how you depend on Him. And what more is there in this life. We’re all so needy.
I close my eyes, eat the whole box of girl scout cookies, wash it down with a Diet Coke. Your post couldn’t have come at a better time, my friend!
Ha. Thin mints or coconut delights. 🙂 love to you, friend.
This today is exactly what I needed. Thank you.