I wasn’t planning on “picking a word” to focus upon for this new year. But a word found me. (Not to be too romantic.)
I was sitting alone with God — in a moment of margin — and the word “enjoy” landed in my spirit. Enjoy.
At first I said it out-loud as a question. Enjoy? And then as a statement. Enjoy. And then the word itself started to sound odd as I kept saying it. (Does that ever happen to you?)
I laughed a little and said to God, “You designed us to enjoy You.” Then I ached because I wondered how many Jesus-followers could actually say they enjoy God. You know — smile in the secret place with Him.
Take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).Synonyms
relish – delight – like
Or what about the people I love or the situations in which He places me in the day-to-day. Can I honestly say I purposefully enjoy them, or do I look past them to the next “thing”?
I know what you may be thinking. “How could I possible enjoy this particular person?” or “How could I possibly enjoy this situation?”
I get that. Whether it’s the dailiness of sibling bickering or cleaning messes or marital strife. Or maybe it’s pure devastation to your heart or family. I get that some seasons and people are near impossible to “enjoy.” So I don’t say any of this with pollyannaish naivety.
I know life can be excruciating at times.
But what if we decided to find enjoyment. To seek it out. To purposefully lift the rocks and search for beauty.
Because regardless of who or what or where, God Himself can still be enjoyed. Like when Paul and Silas sang hymns of praise in the jail cell. With their feet in stocks and wounds from being beaten, they enjoyed their God. (Acts 16:23-25)
Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
Habakkuk 3:17-18
So my word for the year is “enjoy.” Because I think He’s challenging me to not let this particular moment slip away. Rather focus upon how I can enjoy either Him or those who share it with me. So here I go. By His grace, and through the empowering of His Spirit, I’m off to enjoy.
{After I wrote this post I remembered this slam poem by Propaganda. The woman in the “love story” is time. I thought it fit well. Click here if you cannot see the video.}
Fill me, Lord…
Have you picked a word for the year? What is it?
I LOVE your phrase…”lift the rocks and search for beauty”. That will stay with me all day. Thanks.
Love you, sister. Wish I saw more of your pretty face.
Beautiful! This passes my mind constantly – I need to stop. and enjoy.; because we are not guaranteed tomorrow – and I don’t want to look back and regret enjoying. I would rather look back and think “well my to-do lists are still there waiting, but i enjoyed my time” whether it be with a friend, a child, or even my quiet time with Christ. Thank you! Loved this post! 🙂
Yes!!! Stop and enjoy. Bless you today, friend.
Ahhh…to smile in that secret place with Him. What a great thing to seek in 2013.
Love the poetry, as well. “Slow down. You’ve been hypnotized by the possibilities.”
My word for 2013 (my first year with a “word”) is freedom.
I know. I love his poem. Really thought provoking. Blessings as you pursue “freedom” this year, Sarah.
Graciously *enjoying* your One Word for 2013 and reflecting quietly on what I am enjoying the small, still moments of my life. Join me for my One Word post here http://vintagewifeslife.blogspot.com/2013/01/one-word-grace.html
A friend shared this post with me today…beautiful. My word for the year is similar – savor. I blogged about it this morning as well at http://lavidaleipprandt.blogspot.com/2013/01/savor.html
I love those verses in Habakkuk. Worth posting on my mirror at this stage of life. Thank you!!
I used JOY as my word for the holiday season. Now for this year my word his HOME. ou can read about it here: http://beautifulinhistime.com/2013/01/01/home-one-word-for-2013/