“A million?! A million women praying?!” It sounds unbelievable, unreachable, unreasonable, doesn’t it. But the God of the universe does wild things like parting waters and raising dead people…and drawing a million women into his throne room to commune with him, to intercede for the broken, and to call forth his kingdom onto this earth. Oh that thought is breathtaking to me.
Today’s a big day. It’s the launch of Million Praying Women (#MPW). And to say that God has exponentially grown my excitement for the vision he’s unfolding for that ministry would be an understatement.
The other day, the team and I were discussing “revival”. And how every time revival has historically broken out, prayer was at the core. Prayer laid the foundation. Prayer. Why? Because intimate, powerful prayer births from worship. And when God’s people live lives of worship, things change. We change. Our prayers change.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:23-24
So where is MPW headed? Into God’s throne room. Yep. A million of us, hand-in-hand, side-by-side, walking boldly, humbly, and thankfully into the throne room of the Almighty God.
It isn’t that God needs a million women praying. It’s that we need him. We need to learn how to walk out our days in the power of his Spirit, continually communing with him. Our husbands and children and friends need him. Our churches and government and world needs him. And by his grace, in Christ, our Father allows us to call forth his will into every aspect of our lives through prayer.
Today’s the launch. And I’d be so honored if you would join us. Just click here to head over to the MPW site and see how we’re celebrating. (hint: giveaways!)
I took portions of our “about” page at Million Praying Women for today’s post. Click here to read more about the history and vision of MPW.
Fill me, Lord…
How has God proven the power and necessity of prayer in your own life?