You want some more exciting news? Can you handle it? Everyone who subscribes to my blog by Monday, June 6th, will be entered into a giveaway. {Enter girly squeals here} I figure, it’s a party so we have to give out a “sursie” (a.k.a., fun, unexpected treat).
So click one of the following links to subscribe. Then comment below telling me that you did subscribe, and you will automatically be entered to win. (Winner will be announced on Wednesday, June 8th.)
Click here to subscribe by email. (My posts will come straight to your inbox.)
Click here to subscribe in a reader. (If you don’t know what a reader is then you probably don’t typically use one.)
If you are like me then you just skimmed that paragraph above. So one more time, SUBSCRIBE AND THEN COMMENT BELOW. If you do not comment after subscribing you will not be entered to win the giveaway. And believe me you don’t want to miss this.
Now for the sursie. My dear, real-life, inspirational, HILARIOUS friend, Kelly Swanson, has graciously donated a copy of her book to our launch party. Check her out online at {Thank you, Kelly!}
Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale?
How to hang on to humor when life doesn’t go the way you plannedJoin Kelly as she takes you on her twisted path to happily-ever-after. Each chapter of this book will make you laugh and give you good solid advice on how to find your way back to happy when you fall into one of those pot holes along the yellow brick road. Discussion questions are located at the end of each chapter.
It also wouldn’t be a proper blog launch without a prayer of commitment. I have done this personally but would love for you to join me in dedicating this cyber-space to Him.
“Father, You alone are the worthy One. You alone are life to us. We give this little place back to you acknowledging that unless you open our hearts, unless you give us sight, we will be left in the dark. Fill us full, o Lord, fill us full…to overflowing.”
Subscribed! Love the new website. You did an amazing job. Praying it will be a place of blessing for you and for many. Love you 🙂
Love it! Excited for you. Just re-subscribed!
subscribed! love it!
Can’t wait to begin receiving in my email box, daily!!! Love this sweet swebsite! It is beautiful and I know God will use it for his glory! Blessings!!!!!
Your site is beautiful! I found it following the #hellomornings twitter feed! Subcribed and excited to watch your site unfold!
What a beautiful place! I’m looking forward to sharing this with you!
The new blog looks great, Lara! I just subscribed!
Yay Lara! New blog looks great! Many blessings on you dear friend. . .
excited to see God work here!
So Excited for you! God is using you in many ways, keep seeking Him, you are a blessing to many!!
I subscribed! I love the title of the book…it sounds great! Life so rarely goes as planned. BTW, I love the new blog design. 🙂
Looking forward to a daily blessing from you!
Just subscribed. Looking forward to the emails!
All righty, I am resubscribed to your beautiful blog.
Love it girl! Looks awesome. And I re-subscribed, cause I love your heart in my email box!!!
Love it girl! Looks awesome. And I re-subscribed, cause I love your heart in my email box!!!
Love New Blog Lara!
Fill us Lord… to Overflowing! I’m looking forward to God using Ur blog emails to pour into my life so I may pour into others’!
May U be richly blessed by the Father as you encourage & inspire in Jesus’ Name!
Love Ya! Susie 🙂
Subscribed. The website looks awesome. Praying for you sister. Thanks for following His calling.
Hooray for new life!! Love love love the new site!! I’m all subscribed and ready to coninue journeying along with you. Love you sis!
Love the new site, subscribed and following you in Northern Ireland!
I subscribed!! 😀
Looking forward to connecting!
I subscribed 🙂 Love the new look!
You are so talented, Lara! God is truely using you in amazing ways. I agree that the internet has opened many doors. So excited to follow “To Overflowing”.
Just subscribed! Thank you for being brave… and continuing to step out on the front lines for our King. God bless you!! 🙂
I just subscribed and added the button from the other blog yesterday to mine. Now I need to change it, but all is good our God is all about change. May the Lord continue to bless your endeavors.
Subscribed! Looking forward to your new blog.
Woo-Hoo for you! I am so excited to continue following your thoughts and I will look forward to those email alerts! They always seem to come at just the right time and usually with just the right thoughts. Thanks for being such a blessing!
Subscribed and shared the link. Excited with you and for you in all God is doing through you. Many Blessings
So excited sweet friend!! You have moved me to tears through what the Lord lays on you heart so many times already. Am looking forward to a new begining on your new blog!
Subscribed via Google! 🙂
Congrats Lara! Subscribed!
I subscribed by email. I look forward to reading more :).
God bless!
Just subscribed via Reader. The blog looks beautiful!
Congrats on the new site Lara!
Just subscribed!
I signed up for emails!!!
yay! so great! *subscribed and am excited to read and allow God to feed me through you… especially once we get to Zambia! love ya!
Lovely blog, Lara! I just subscribed!
Lara, this is awesome! Love the new look! I’m so looking forward to checking my inbox each day! 🙂 Thank you for using the gifts our Lord has given you to be such a huge blessing and encouragement to many!
I just subscribed through email! Your site is beautiful and I’m looking forward to getting posts from you now!
I have subscribed. Love the new design, by the way.
I’ve subscribed 🙂
It’s nearly 10pm and I just sat down to my computer for the day (unusual for me), and the first thing I wanted to do was check your new site! 🙂 Subscribed via RSS. Congratulations!
Your new blog page looks beautiful! Congratulations! I’m a new follower!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
Can’t wait to get my first e-mail from “to overflowing”. Lara, I’ve loved you since you were a baby girl! I am thrilled to see how the Lord is working in and through you. Looking forward to your new blog! Blessings, Allison “Cook” Lowrey
Praying with you….“Father, You alone are the worthy One. You alone are life to us. We give this little place back to you acknowledging that unless you open our hearts, unless you give us sight, we will be left in the dark. Fill us full, o Lord, fill us full…to overflowing.” And protect Lara and her family….give then sweet times together and peace in their home. To You be all glory, amen.
I follow you on twitter but now have you set to arrive in my reader each day!
great! love it! :))
I’m in and subscribed. You write the best posts for busy mamas!
Lookin’ good – also looking forward to seeing how you use this new space.
subscribed! excited to see what’s in store 🙂
Love your new site! I know it can be a ton of work to keep up, so I pray that God will fill you up as you pour out for many…
<3, Pat
love it..just subscribed.
lovely site, can’t wait to keep reading you words!
Re subscribed! So beautiful and welcoming. Can’t wait!
Subscribed! Thank you for your inspiring blog. Blessings!
I subscribed. Love your writing!
I subscribed and I am excited to see what God is going to say through you. You go Girl!
Just subscribed! You are a blessing!
Cant wait to get my first email!!!!!!
eee!! Thanks for reminding me! I subscribed but didn’t comment! Who DOES THAT!? So, here it is. My Comment. Drumrollllll, please.
I had comment anxiety. I built it up too much, and crashed.
I love your new site. AND I love that this subscription comes at me earlier in the AM. No more 9:06 stuff- I get the new new at 7:11am, every morning. Hooray.
Done. Praying for your new venture 🙂
I subscribed, dear one! Promise – that email is coming.
I just subscribed and am looking forward to reading your posts! You are fabulous and I love seeing God in you!
i’m excited to be following! blessings to you, girl!
Subscribed! 🙂
subscribed! 🙂
I subscribed by email!! I love reading your blog and look forward to this new one~Keri