Good news! I birthed a manuscript-baby. Which means I turned in my manuscript to my publisher a couple of weeks ago which kinda feels like I birthed a baby…minus the physical pain and middle of the night feedings. So I’m recovering from the exertion with chocolate and coffee. Not really. But really. And now that my writing brain can turn to something new, I wanted to say hello.
Whenever I sit to write on my blog, I try to be transparent. I don’t overshare because that’s not helpful. But I pray I’m real, passing to you the soul-food that my God has recently given me. The hungry-fed feeding the hungry. So with the goal of transparency, y’all, my mind has been going in circles lately.
For real.
I’ve mainly been mulling the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over…I know. It’s maddening. I’ve been getting stuck with God, asking Him, “Lord, will you show me what to do about this? Tell me what to say. Tell me what not to say. Tell me how to be.”
And then God did something really kind with me — like He always does. I’ve been leaning in — Reading His Word. Asking for wisdom. Praying for strength and faith. And in my time with Him, He reminded.
Think on Me.
Just think on Me.
The thought quieted my questioning. It brought the circling to a halt. It’s like He tenderly put His finger on my lips and said, “Daughter, think on Me.”
“But, God, I’ve got so much to think about. I have to know what You want me to do and what You want me to say and how You want me to be…”
“Daughter, think on Me.”
I exhaled. And with a reluctant, “OK” I paused. And then I wrote a truth-phrase in my journal, “Father, you are trustworthy.” Then I started repeating it over and over and over and over and over…This was less maddening.
And here’s what happened. Declaring His trustworthiness to my soul caused me to declare other truths. “You’re trustworthy. You will be trustworthy. You’re being trustworthy. I can fully trust you with this and this and this. Because You’re trustworthy. All the time.” And I slowly started to breathe easier and deeper.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8 ESV)
We can get so stuck — stuck in the what ifs and the what shoulds. And it may sound fluffy and theoretical, but it’s actually theology colliding with life. Truth invading our moments.
Thinking on the character and promises of our God quiets our questioning. Turning our minds — one minute then the next — onto the face of God changes the trajectory of our day because it changes our perspective.
Turning our minds onto the face of God
changes the trajectory of our day
because it changes our perspective.
We may be walking through different types of situations, but I’m sure we all have questions. Because we’re all human. Questions that circle round and round and round, causing us to get stuck in what-ifs and what-shoulds. But turning our hearts and minds onto the truths of God’s character, as laid out in Scripture, is one choice we can make in this minute. Then the next. It’s a choice that can help change our day.
Fill me, Lord..
What truth of God’s character are you going to choose to meditate upon today?
Thanks for the reminder that we don’t need to go any further than His Word to find our answers!!