I’m burdened for marriages — including mine…and yours — because too many are falling apart at the seams. It’s like we get amnesia, forgetting the point of this whole marriage thing. I get amnesia!
Bottom line:
Marriage isn’t first and foremost about us.
Ultimately marriage is about God.
It’s about glorifying Him. It’s about those of us who name Jesus “Lord,” reflecting Him in this broken world by the way we love that one we committed to years ago. It’s about the decision to love regardless of what the other does or doesn’t do, just like Jesus loves us. (Romans 8:38-39)
That doesn’t mean it’s an easy choice. It’s hard — near impossible in times of rejection. But we get it twisted. At times we may feel hurt or frustrated or disappointed and something in us justifies hardness of heart. But that isn’t Jesus-love.
Imagine the testimony to a world that disposes everything, when we as God’s children turn towards our spouse whether they run away from us or cling tight to our hand. Either way, deciding to love.
You have heard that it was said, ’You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:43-45
So the challenge is simple (in theory). Join me in asking God how we can tangibly love our spouse today. Regardless of whether they deserve it, regardless of whether they live under the same roof, regardless of…anything, let’s choose love.
The enemy will keep on deceiving. It’s what he does best. Lying. Deceiving. Destroying. But then there’s God, who loves with an enduring love. I want to live my life — honor my marriage — as proof of Him.
(Speaking of…I love this song by For King & Country!)
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For my Sermon on the Mount friends, this is the last week before our next break (which I seem to always need). Keep on, friends.
{Week 24}
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:19-21
I’m also hanging out at Do Not Depart today writing on enduring love.
And I’m linking up with TheBetterMom.com and Graceful.
Fill me, Lord…
So tell me, what will you do today to tangibly love your spouse?
Amen! To tangibly love my husband today . . . I will be ready to give what he needs when he returns from a job interview. Thanks for the challenge.
Perfect! I love it. Blessings, friend.
Oh, I LOVE that song, too. I want my life to be PROOF of HIS love. Praying with you for every soul who reads this blog and even those who don’t… That the promise would be forever and that we would love our spouses as the PROOF of His love. Regardless.
Me too! It’s such a great song. And let me tell you, from the perspective of onlookers, you are absolutely reflecting that enduring love. Praying your man sees and responds to the love of his Lord and the love of his wife. Praying you have wisdom and strength to keep on loving regardless. And thanks for the blog prayers. I agree with you in prayer, my sister, for His glory.
A very touchy subject for me. My husband and I got married at 23 years old, we both grew up in the church but I came back to the Lord about a year or so after we were married. He still struggles with giving Christ his all. Now five children and 10 years later I had to recommit myself to loving my husband in spite of. God showed me howmy love was so conditional, I would love my husband when he didnt go against the grain. But on those Sundays when he didn’t want to get up for church and I felt abandoned I would become so enraged. So much so that I missed what God had for me at church myself. I am saved by God’s grace but I am in no way perfect and I am sure my hubby can attest to that:-) I am learning to love him for him and continue to pray for him where he is. My God cannot make a mistake so how about I just do what I am supposed to do and Love and respect him and let God do the rest? Thanks for the wonderful word Lara..I so enjoy reading your blogs…