It’s near sacred — that time of night when my kids sleep and I’m still awake. I close the last bedroom door and breathe in the quiet, trying not to step on stray Legos as I make my way downstairs.
And I ask Him, “What do You want me to do with my time tonight?” Because there’s so much I could do, but I know that not everything is *best*.
Flickr photo credit: victor de lara
Every minute presents choice. And what we do with those choices adds up to our today. Scary, huh.
True, we don’t have to “do” a bunch of stuff — make a bunch of holy choices — to find favor with our holy God. That in and of itself is amazing. Christ makes us righteous. Period.
But a disciplined life still proves beneficial.
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:7-8
I’ve heard the choices blatantly calling out lately, especially at that sacred time of night. And it seems that each choice holds the potential of nudging me closer to God’s best for my life or turning my feet in the other direction. That’s why I ask His opinion, because time is too precious of a gift, slipping away with quiet persistence.
Sometimes He leads me to rest. Sometimes He leads me to serve. Every so often He leads me to tweet. *wink* But regardless of how I spend the time, I want it guided by Him. Because this world will steal it in an instant.
Every minute of every day presents choice. I pray we choose wisely. And then I pray we rest secure in His great grace when we don’t.
Fill me, Lord…
What have you found to be beneficial for that “sacred” time of night?
What other areas of choice prove to be vital choices in your own daily living?
I usually hang with my husband and then I usually read my Bible. If I don’t read my Bible before bed then I can’t fall asleep.
Husband and Bible time. Sounds like a church answer, Debby. Just. Kidding. You know you inspire me. Much love, my friend.