I spoke to a sweet group of ladies last week and I told them, “James (as in the brother of Jesus) was either smoking crack or he knew something deep about our God.” I’m going with the latter.
Speaking to fellow believers he says, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials…” (James 1:2) Do you see what I mean? Joy? Some trials are excruciatingly hot. Searing to the soul.
Then he goes on to say, “the testing of your faith produces patience.” (James 1:3) So these trials prove or refine our faith, in the end producing steadfastness in this journey. And according to James, something about that makes it worth the trials.
A tough thing to swallow when we’re the one in a valley.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, in case you forgot. And I am thankful for all of the obvious blessings that mark my life. But what if we dared to dig deep — beneath those specific places that instigate the tears or fears — and cause thanks to rise up, regardless.
Being that James lived in the time of torturous martyrdom, I’m pretty sure he knew something. I think he knew that believing our God to be who He revealed Himself to be, regardless of the momentary trial, fulfills our human soul more than anything else in this created world ever could. No crack-smoking involved.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
For by it the elders obtained a good testimony…
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Hebrews 11:1-2, 6
I’m going to dig deep and dare to thank Him. Not for the trial itself — I mean, who likes the fire. No, I’m going to thank Him for what He’s graciously producing in me through the trial. Believing that the steadfast faith He ignites in my human soul makes it worth the momentary trials.
Fill me, Lord…
How has God proven your own faith through the trials of life?
love. “No, I’m going to thank Him for what He’s graciously producing in me through the trial.”
he produces beautiful things in us when we let Him. sometimes it is in the midst of trial when we are willing, and only then.
I am so thankful for you sweet friend. Who blesses my heart with words of truth.
Thank you, friend. You are a blessing. Praying you have a Thanksgiving full of giving thanks…regardless.
I won’t go into all my trials, they are many, but through them my love for God has increased, my faith in His Goodness has also. I lean into Him during the good and bad times.
Thank you for testifying of His faithfulness, Janelle. Aren’t you glad this isn’t our forever home?!
You always challenge me to go a little deeper than i would normally go on my own. It’s good:) I know he has produced great heart change in me through trials. Most recently, when we moved across country. Hard times, but…I am forever grateful for the change in myself and our family. He is forever faithful!
Happy thanksgiving friend! Thankful He and the blogging world have crossed our paths.
I’m thankful too, my friend. You are a blessing! Praying you have a great Thanksgiving. Xoxo
Struggling or in a trial…read this:
1 thessalonians 5:18
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family! Please tell your kids we will be having TURKEY tomorrow….no horses on the menu 😉
Ha! They will be so relieved. Hugs to you, friend.