Those true yet oppressive thoughts are not the only ones that get me tangled. I have also been known to ponder my fair share of self-condemnation. I’m telling you…issues. We call these little destructive thoughts “lies.” Lies.
There’s only one way to recognize a lie. We have to know truth. I feel like a broken record at times but this. is. so. vital. We have to marinate in truth. Meditate upon truth. Compare life through the lens of truth. And truth begins and ends with him.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6
To reject a lie, we begin with believing Jesus — this God-man who came to earth to die. It sounds absurd, this bloody-plan, but it’s life. Apart from his sacrifice we are left bound to our sin. Blind and spiritually dead. He alone awakens our soul. He alone quenches that soul thirst.*
Jesus, when tempted by the enemy’s lies, voiced the scriptures. He spoke them out-loud, rejecting the deception. If that’s what our Lord did, then it seems wise to follow his lead.
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me
shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
John 8:12
The lies come in various shades of black. From lies about our new identity in Christ to lies about the love or power of our Maker, they infiltrate our minds. Then we sit down with them, listening and coddling and eventually believing. But his word is truth. His word casts down those thoughts that strangle.
Today’s thought-life challenge:
- Identify any lies on your list.
- Locate a verse or passage that can replace that lie.
- Write down that verse on a notecard and keep it close. Memorize it. Marinate in it.
- Speak it out loud when the lies seep in with their deception.
Fill me, Lord…
What lies have you recently believed about yourself, about your God, about your loved ones?
What truths can you meditate upon to extinguish those lies?
I can’t talk about lies and not share this little jam by The Arrows Band. Love it. Click here if you have trouble viewing.
*If you have never “accepted Jesus” and you want to talk further about that decision, please email me. I would love to answer any questions. This is the first, necessary step to victory and abundance in our lives.
I swear we are almost the same person. Same mind-struggles, same treatment. 🙂 “Marinating” in truth. Love that image! That’s what I’ll be doing today.
I know. I always feel like a piece of chicken when I say that but it has stuck with me. Marinate.
Take a Scripture and marinate in it. I love it!
Great stuff girl!
Thanks friend!
Girl!! I love you sister friend! I love this series and it’s creating such a theme in my life (alOng with made to crave). Tell me more about the group in the video….wow!!!
Girl!! I love you sister friend! I love this series and it’s creating such a theme in my life (alOng with made to crave). Tell me more about the group in the video….wow!!!
Girl!! I love you sister friend! I love this series and it’s creating such a theme in my life (alOng with made to crave). Tell me more about the group in the video….wow!!!
I wish I knew more about The Arrows but…I don’t. I know they are from S. Africa. And I know I LOVE that song.
Girl!! I love you sister friend! I love this series and it’s creating such a theme in my life (alOng with made to crave). Tell me more about the group in the video….wow!!!
You’ve struck gold, my friend. Pure gold. Satan feeds lies to us. But the lies we choose to tell ourselves…those are *really* destructive ones. I’ve struggled with this my entire life (again, because of my childhood). At times, I still have to go to the Bible and find the truths that cancel out those lies screaming in my mind. God is love. {And I love you!} 🙂
You are precious, Hope. Thanks for sharing. The lies truly are destructive. Only His truth brings life. {hugs to you, friend.}
I needed this today! I’ve been struggling with those lies that they enemy keeps whispering to me. It’s so hard sometimes!
Hi Lara ,I am so glad for this series and I love the jam,thats THE MESSAGE.I loved it so much that I want to link it to our Youth Leaders to share with the teens.thank so much for all you do~