Our pastor is preaching from the book “Habakkuk.” Say that five times fast “Habakkuk Habakkuk…” Anyway, I had one of those moments yesterday during his sermon when God reminded me not-so-subtly that “He’s got this.”
He’s got this.
I think I need daily reminding because it’s just too easy to get tangled up in short-sighted emotion. It’s too easy to wonder what the heck God’s doing. It’s too easy to doubt.
So I need it daily. I have to remember that even when it may feel like something is “all wrong,” there’s this God who loves me immeasurably. Not only that, He sees the beginning from the end and He has this way of working every single thing out for our good and His glory. Everything.
..the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:27-28
Nothing trumps His promises. Nothing thwarts His plan. Nothing catches Him looking the other way.
I may say with Habakkuk, “I don’t like this plan!” But He isn’t threatened. He’s patient. And He can take my little outbursts. But then after I get it all out, He calls me (and you) to faith.
Yes, emotions will come. We’ll raise objections to His plans at times. But the hope is that we move from fear to faith. From pride to faith. From hopelessness to faith.
God gave me a not-so-subtle reminder yesterday. “Lara, trust Me.”
Fill me, Lord…
What do you do when you don’t like God’s plan?
Ahhh, yes. God has been teaching me that exact same lesson, only I’m a slower learner and it took me fighting His plan for a good 6 months before I learned the joy of trusting the One who knows the end from the very beginning and works all things for my good and His glory. 🙂
The joy of trusting. Yes. It is freedom. But I am a slow learner too, Jenna. And a repeat offender of distrust. Thankful for grace.
This message really speaks to me. My daughter was injured in an accident recently and she’s already had a couple of bad breaks in life with permanent consequences. Now this and struggling with a head injury. I was consumed with fear of what else can go wrong and made myself nuts with worry. This is the third message in 1 week telling me to trust not fear. That alone is scary. The devil wants to put all sorts of awful things in your mind. Right now I’m just praying that God will show us what He wants us to learn. And comfort through it.
Praying for you and your family this morning, Karla, that fear would give way to faith and faith to hope and joy. Also for healing for your daughter!
Sarah thank you so much for encouraging and praying for Karla!
I am so sorry about your daughter! I can’t imagine! There’s nothing like motherhood to bring about huge fears and constant worry. Praying that God continues to meet you right where you are and minister hope and comfort to you. Praying for your daughter’s healing as well.
try it on my own. and fail. learning, AGAIN, to trust. specifically, that our hank will have the money for college. money that i believe god has promised, but then i unbelieve it….guess what? it. is. all. there.
God is so faithful! Thank you for sharing. God has done financial miracles for our family so many times. Yet I’m somehow still shocked at His miraculous abilities. He’s good!
I whine to you about it. hahaha! But every day I have to learn and relearn to trust. I think that I trust Him and then I do or say or think something that is completely contrary! The really crazy thing is that I know that I can’t do it on my own! The best thing that I’ve done to remember Who is really in control is to meditate on scripture. Day and night. Constantly. Filling myself with Truth.
Thank you for these words. They really helped.
I find myself now with this fight between what I theologically know and what feelings make me “know”.
What if I don’t like it though? Can we still go after what we want? It’s stupid to even give us desires if we just have to give up on them and be miserable in life.
This really blessed me. Thank you