Have I told you my train story? I don’t think so, but humor me if I’m having momentary mush brain.
We live close to some train tracks. And on this particular morning I was the only car stopped by the blinking arms.
Over the (probably kid requested) music, I heard a whistle in the distance coming from my left but then I heard another whistle coming from my right. I turned off the music, opened the windows, and heard both again — growing LOUDER. Two trains were on the track and they were barreling towards one another!
Cue the freak-out. I beeped my horn — because that would really help the situation. I shouted that “the trains are going to collide!!!” Then I started backing up, imagining the massive wreckage that was about to happen. My kids were wide-eyed and confused.
The trains were getting closer and closer. They were blowing their whistles faster and faster at one another. And as I screamed…they passed each other on different tracks. I felt like such an idiot.
That story always reminds me to keep perspective — which I personally need reminding of these days.
Sometimes from down here on planet earth we see two “trains” about to collide. From all angles it looks like there will be major carnage and unbelievable devastation. But from on high, the view is much different.
“Remember this and stand firm,
recall it to mind, you transgressors,
remember the former things of old;
for I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, ’My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose.'”
Isaiah 46:8-10
God sees the beginning from the end. He perfectly knows every crevice of every heart. He knows what’s around the next curve. He judges righteously and graciously. He keeps His promises. And He doesn’t freak out.
It may look like some trains are going to collide. But if we’re His, then He’s still working and blessing and fighting for His own.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you need a shift in perspective these days? (Or maybe it’s just me.)
Also, the winner of Wednesday’s giveaway is…VALERIE! Yay! (Imagine confetti and hugging and smiling) I will email you with the details, Valerie.
Oh Lara how I agree with you. It is so hard sometimes to Stand Firm in the Lord. To run or be an ostrich is easier than to stand firm and let the hand of God cover you with His protectiion.
thanks for the analogy it is quite fitting.
I love that imagery, “Let the hand of God cover you with His protection.” He is our shield. Believing with you, sister.
What a great reminder and a fresh perspective. God has been reaffirming the idea to me, “I am not desperate, my people should not be either.” Trusting Him to work all things together. Thank you for this post.
He isn’t, is He. Never desperate. Never freaking out and honking the horn to stop a train. That’s so comforting to remember.
I had to giggle to myself after reading the end of your train story. The truth is, I could see myself doing the exact same thing:))
I love how you tied it into experiences here. It caused me to think back on times I’ve freaked out because all I could see was what was around me. His perspective is greater and all compassing. Must.Trust.Him.Completely.
Have a blessed Friday, my friend!
Yes, Stefanie, it was hilarious. Thank you for the blessing today. 🙂
LOVED THIS! YUP sure is about perspective….this theory keeps cropping up this summer. Hmm?? GOD is reminding me over and over and you know what?? I do
need reminding (often!!) 🙂 GOD BLESS YOU!!
Interesting that the word angles and angels are so closely related. The angels cans see God’s plan from every angle and yet they long to see into the things that the spirit has revealed to us?!
“the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.”
Perhaps in this is a word into the glory that God plans to work in us in the end when he reveals his Glory. My perspective certainly needs to turn to this rather than the small me centered focus that binds me.
Thanks for the AWESOME story!!
Oh me, oh my, Lara! My heart was racing and my breathing shallowed as I read the beginning of this post. Then I stopped and laughed with a sigh of relief. I love the lesson your drew from this. How many times, even recently, have I feared a train wreck! How reassuring to know God has it all in control and we don’t need to see the end to know it will be ok.