I have to make a decision about something. And as I’ve prayed about it over and over and over and over again, I’ve thought about you. Because I bet that the vast majority of us have to decide on something in the coming days — job, family, health. Whatever it is, we’re all faced with decisions all the time. And personally, I desperately want to choose the path that my God authors for me.
In the midst of this decision-making, I arrived at Acts 5 in my morning quiet time one day last week. And yes, I totally believe that God speaks personally and specifically through His word to us. He’s proven it in my life more times than I can count.
Anyway…in this text, Peter and John had been arrested for proclaiming Jesus. They appeared before the Jewish council to determine their fate, and the wise leader, Gamaliel, said something that stuck with me all. day. long.
He said to the rest of the Jewish leaders, “I tell you, keep away from these men (the disciples) and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” (Acts 5:38-39)
This text transformed into my continual prayer for about a week, “God, I don’t want to do anything that you haven’t authored for me. I only want to take on what You’ve planned for me because otherwise it will be a waste of the gift of time You’ve given. Speak to me Lord. I’m waiting and listening.”
I wanted to jump in and just say “yes!” to the opportunity. Because it sounded really really good. It still sounds good. It is good. But if I take on something that wasn’t meant for me, then I would steal from the one who was meant to fill the role. Plus, I wouldn’t have the time to fulfill the plans God does have for me to accomplish.
It makes me wonder how much in this world we’ve jacked up just because we’ve devised our own plans and jumped ahead of God. Thankfully He’s grace. And He’s faithful even when we impatiently jump in head first to do something that wasn’t meant for us. {sigh}
But by His grace I waited. And prayed and waited. And prayed and waited a little more. I told Him that He’d have to be really clear because I’m thick-skulled and need things written in smoke and lights. Then…I waited some more. And now, I’m still waiting.
So I thought I would leave you with a few tips about decision making. Because He does have an opinion if we’re willing to listen.
- Slow down. God doesn’t push, He leads. I’ve often found that the enemy pushes, but my Father is a gentle guide.
- The size of the decision is irrelevant. No matter how big or how small the decision, if we want Him to, God will lead.
- Ask His opinion. Spend time in prayer. Keep talking to Him. Journal to Him. Tell Him how you feel and what you’re thinking, but then ask His opinion and…
- Expect Him to answer. God wants to guide us. All through His Word we see Him leading His people — the good Shepherd leading His sheep.
- Stay in His Word. More often than not, God has spoken to me about life decisions through His Word. I don’t know exactly how He leads me to the specific passages, but, by His grace through the prodding and confirming of His Spirit, He does.
- Look for the mark of peace. God’s way is paved with peace. Not necessarily ease. Not necessarily prosperity. But peace — a quiet of soul. As we seek Him and wait on Him and listen to Him, He will guard our hearts with peace for the direction He’s calling us to go.
- Ask others to pray. We have to be slow to ask for people’s opinions. Because everyone has an opinion and they aren’t always God-directed. But seeking a couple of trusted friends to intercede for and with us is vital. Go hand in hand into His throne room. He isn’t trying to hide.
- Slow down some more. Yes, I already said this. But we’re so quick to jump in before truly seeking His leading. There are lots and lots of good, honorable things we can take on, but not all are meant for me or you. We desperately need to slow down and let Him take the lead if we’re going to follow the path He has. Otherwise we’ll wake up one day and realize that He’s way over there and we’re way over here.
- Step out in faith. Without faith it’s impossible to please Him. He tells us that in Hebrews 11:6. So once we know where we think He’s leading, we have to take that next step by faith. If it has been bathed in prayer then God knows our heart. He knows we want to honor Him. So He will be tender with our journey. He will remain faithfully sovereign over us as we stay humbly bowed low before Him.
- I actually don’t have a 10th tip. But I had already titled this post and created the image thinking I did have 10 tips. So you get to tell us the 10th tip in the comments section below. That’s how I roll, people.
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
It’s not a formula. It’s intimacy. It’s seeking after the God who knows us and loves us perfectly. It’s trusting Him to lead us as a Father would the daughter He adores. It’s knowing that His plans are good even if they aren’t what we expect, or even desire.
It’s not a formula. It’s intimacy. Intimacy with the One who sees the beginning from the end and everything in between.
Happy decision-making sweet friend. And no, I haven’t decided. Though I do sense His leading and I believe a leap of faith is on the horizon.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you make decisions?
What decisions are you seeking His leading for these days?
My 10th tip is to look at your gifting from him. He gets the most glory from our lives when we are working/living within our area of giftedness. All that to say, he will call us and enable us to use our gifts. If a decision involves being stretched OUTSIDE our area of giftedness, that might be a signal to hesitate. I’m not saying that God never does that, but he is pretty consistent in equipping us to handle what he calls us toward.
SO good, Katrina! And so true. Thanks for this 10th tip. 😉
Love your blog.. Thank you for sharing truth & wisdom! I have learned that in the waiting, HE is teaching me to trust HIS faithfulness.. And as I look back in my journal over the waiting periods in my life, I’ve seen where HE was working.. HE is so faithful!
He is faithful…even when I’m not. :/ What grace. I love that you look back over your journals. It’s so good to look back and see where He’s brought us from and to. Thanks for sharing, Heather.
I just love you. I’m certain I’ve jacked up a lot of things in my almost 33 years, but I’m praying I get it right more often than not.
And if you’re deciding whether or not to travel to Ohio for a coffee date with me, I’ll help you out…DO IT. 😉 xoxo
My 10th tip is if it’s something you think you can do, REALLY be careful. Most of the time when God calls us to partner with Him we KNOW in our gut right away how totally dependent we will need to be on His Spirit to empower and equip us for the call. More often than not, God rarely calls us to new challenges we can knock out of the park.
My 10th tip would be….thank the Lord for the ways He has been faithful to guide me in the past when I have had to make decisions….and thank Him for this present decision and how the results will continue to lead me along the path He has for my life…
10. Don’t compare your calling to other people’s calling. Yours will not look like yours. You may not be the one to save starving children, adopt orphans, or a mission trip to Haiti. Yours may be close to home, quiet calling. Trust that your gifts are being used how He wants them to be used.