Hi all! I’ve got lots to tell you about my little adventure last week, but for today, here’s a short video talking about the power of our heart’s meditations.
Jesus tells us over and over, the words we speak and the tone with which we speak them flow from the meditations of our heart. I pray this week that God would grace us with vision into our hearts. That He would reveal the things we “marinate” in and empower us to turn our hearts onto true, life-giving things.
Fill me, Lord…
What are you “meditating” upon these days?
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These are the things I wrote that I wanted to meditate on after doing this week of the study: When I feel fear, I should remember God is with me and knows me. I need to say it to myself over and over. I need to go looking for the scriptures that back this truth up. I want to meditate on myself as a sheep that belongs to Christ. There is so much comfort and revelation in that. Rather than dwell on why, I want to change my thought patterns to “Now What?” Also, speaking truth and life into the lives of those I love. Those blessings can really change things. Rather than reciting what isn’t there just yet, I can call out the gifts and potential. I will do this with my kids, my marriage, etc.
The other thing that got me this week was how much I needed to work on slowing down and hearing God. I need to pause and really listen. I need to rest in His control. This is something that I must relearn and relearn and relearn. 🙂