I met a pastor last weekend who had dreadlocks. A pastor. With dreadlocks. I love it. And I heard him ask a number of people, “What’s the thing that makes you feel most alive?” or “What are you most passionate about?”
I never asked him personally, but I think he was trying to get people to voice their created passions. The things God embroidered into the fiber of their being. The things that make you and me…you and me.
When I first heard him ask, my good Southern Baptist roots silently shouted out, “The bible, of course.” Or maybe “Church.” Or “The Holy Spirit. Yeah. The Holy Spirit.” But then I put down the Jesus-y answers and really asked myself, “What are some things that make you feel alive, Lara?” What makes me me?
It’s like that question a counselor once asked me, “If you could plant anything in your very own garden of life, what would it be?”
As Jesus-followers we’re rightly taught to sacrifice self. To lay down our lives. To die daily. But in that (true) thinking, it’s possible to lose something God intends for us. It’s possible to lose our individuality. Our created bent.
God loves color and texture and variety. I mean, He created over 20,000 types of caterpillars. 20,000! And when He designed you and me, He did so purposefully and beautifully. (Just read Psalm 139)
When we try to fit into some box the world (or church!) defines, in efforts to be praised or approved of, we may miss out on the beauty of our individuality.
I’m not suggesting we put all of our attention on our creative bent or our likes or our expression of self. I’m not suggesting we become so self-absorbed we miss the sacrifice. But I do think it’s good that we ask Him to unveil the you and me He designed.
It may mean we look different from mainstream. Or that we spend our “free” time in ways that others may deem odd. But life is short. And the question is worthy of reflection before our Maker.
What have You created me to do? What gifts and desires did You weave into my being? How can I incorporate them into my life…for my good and Your glory?
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1-2
We’ll be most “alive” when we live out His plan for us, and that includes embracing our individuality. Out of the overflow of seeking Him first, imagine if we stopped striving to be what everyone else says we should be and simply be the you and me He designed. And imagine if we didn’t judge the individuality He brings out in others.
Fill me, Lord…
What makes you…you?
I was actually thinking about this very thing over the weekend. I started riding horses when I was 13, and I started writing stories when I was 9. Over the past few months, I guess you could say God has brought me full circle in life, back to those same passions. I feel so alive and complete when I’m doing what I love most.
Awww. My sister rode horses growing up. I’m sure she would say the same thing. “Do everything as unto Him.” ๐
I love this! thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Kelsey. ๐
Lara, thanks for being you and sharing. I read a devotion today that made me think of you.
It is I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. โJoel 2:25
It made me leap with Joy as I know may past will be used to make something grow. Me, a neighbor and right now my experiences of my childhood helps me share with the wonderful grandson my daughter adopted that has similar tragedies.
God will give back what others have taken away. Just listen to him.
Margie, thank you. And yes, God is good. He comforts us in our afflictions that we could comfort others. And He does work things together for the good of His children…often through the fires of life. Blessings to you, sister.
I so needed to hear this today. I have been struggling with this and sometimes feel like others are trying to put me in a box. Thank you for words for my hearts.
So, yesterday I discovered Patty Griffin, and listening to her sing her songs made me realize I don’t have to be afraid of songwriting. It has been something of an issue for me for years — the fear of it — even though I want to and used to as a teenager. I realized that whatever comes out may not fit in a box, and that’s fine.