I mean, really amazing things. Things that need your personality mixed with your past experiences mixed with your now circumstance mixed with the way you passionately lift your eyebrows when you tell that story or the way you snort when you laugh. Really amazing things.
He designed you to accomplish them. Before you were even a thought in your mama’s mind, He purposed it. He set things aside with your name on them — things that will bring Him great glory while satisfying your inner longing for significance.
And now’s the time. Today’s the day.
Maybe He’s calling us to love our spouse with no strings attached. Or to teach those kids all about the Lover of their soul…again. Or to do the laundry as if we’re doing it solely for Him. Or to pray for that huge mountain to move. Or to write that book. Or start that blog. Or lead that Bible study. Or tell that coworker about Jesus.
Whatever “it” is, imagine if we just followed His lead. Imagine if we dared to believe that God equips the called and makes straight the path.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
The truth is, I need you. Really. I need you to use the gifts He gave you, to do the things He crafted you to do. Just like you need me.
We need one another to take our place in His “body” and do the things He gifts us to do. To go the places He calls us to go. To write the things He inspires us to write.
The lies will come. I can’t walk through the bookstore without noticing the oh-so-many great books that already line the shelves. So many amazing blogs fill up cyberspace. So many gifted writers and influential speakers leave people with revival-ish truths. I start to wonder why I’m adding my “voice” to the already complex, persuasive conversation.
Why talk or write or create if everyone else is already doing such a brilliant job? But then God reminds me.
If He calls any of us to speak or go or create, then we have to speak or go or create. Not because He demands it, but because we will never be fulfilled unless we’re walking in the call He’s placed upon us.
Not only that, someone needs to hear it. I need to hear it. If He puts a fire in us to declare something then it’s with purpose. He prepares specific hearts for the inspired words that come out of our mouths. He prepares the soil so that the laborer can bring forth a harvest.
Then (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38
For those who don’t know what He’s leading you to do today, let me encourage you. The number one thing He calls any of us to do is seek after Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We won’t do that perfectly, but when we turn ourselves towards Him, lifting our hands in surrender to His will, He faithfully leads. As we love Him and praise Him and delight in Him, He reveals what He has for our today.
He created us to do some really amazing things — things that change the course of lives and have eternal effects. Let’s dare to believe Him for the equipping.
For those He’s “called” to memorize the Sermon on the Mount with me, friend, I’m believing Him for the equipping! Let’s press on…
{Week 29}
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
Matthew 6:30 – 6:31
Fill me, Lord…
What has He called you to do today?
So glad that you keep answering His call!! Your voice helps to keep me accountable and seeking His face! Thank you!
Thank you, sweet sister. I mean that. You are a blessing. AND an amazing addition to HelloMornings!
I came back to read this a second time today. So pertinent for Lauren’s August 27th. “Imagine if we dared to believe that God equips the called and makes straight the path.”–> I imagine that I’d be dialed down about 4 notches on the stressometer, so this is my prayer: Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.
Love reading your posts!!
Thank you for your post! I enjoy reading your blog and I am blessed each time I read. I appreciate your insight, leadership and love for our Lord. I am a SAHM of 4, my husband has started a new job that involves traveling…leaving me to do more than we (I) have been used to. I can do it and will do it willingly. Thank you for reminding me that I can do laundry, drop off & pick up kids, do all that I need to do for His glory.
Now this is just the best! You are such a blessing! Just a beautiful inspiration & motivation to move forward. keep going & expect to make change! Thankyou!
You speak my mind! 🙂 Why add my voice to the clutter of great talent? Because God called, will equip, and desires to use me. He is certainly using you! Thank you for your encouragements!
I’m sorry, but I am having trouble with this.