HI! {This is when I would hug you if we were talking in person.} I’ve missed writing here this summer! God has definitely been busy in me — stretching me, challenging me, convicting me, and loving me.
And even though I’m still on my blogging break, I wanted to share a short, Monday, check-in post, because it feels like I have an ocean of words that I want/need/have to pour out. But I don’t want to scare you away. So here’s one thing for your Monday. Just one thing.
Guard. Your. Heart.
Good grief. It seems like the lies and selfishness and entitlement seep into my heart like slimy little slime-mongers before I can even stop them. Before I even notice. And they eat my brain cells. If slime-mongers were real.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
(Philippians 4:8 ESV)
To guard our heart is to take each and every thought captive to what’s true. Every angry thought. Every jealous thought. Every frustrated, bitter, irritated, frazzled, and proud thought. Every thought captive to the true things that God says.
It’s like having a big, burly bouncer guy at the door of our heart through which only helpful, loving thoughts can enter. Because when we don’t put up a guard — when the bouncer guy takes a smoke break — we will inevitably end up in places we don’t want to be. I promise. It has happened to me at various times this summer.
We will end up in pits of self-loathing or on that dreaded comparison cycle or forgetting the many, many, many evidences of God’s love and grace in our every day. We’ll end up saying things and doing things that we regret. We’ll end up hurting the people we love.
So let’s ask Him to show us what the heck we’re thinking. And then, one by one, let’s drop-kick the unloving, bitter, insecure thinking right out the door of our hearts. Through prayer and in the power of His Spirit we can replace the selfishness and bitterness and lies with truth. And when we do, it will usher in soul-blessing.
Happy Monday, sweet people.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you guard your own heart?
Love this Lara! So timely. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Blessings to you, Natalie. 🙂
Great reminder as I begin my week! I need to be quicker about the drop-kicking!
Missing your words this summer, but loving your brief insights on Instagram.
I kinda love Instagram. 😉 Hope your week is full of “drop-kicking”.
You know this was just for me, don’t you? Well it was. When I turned 48 in March the Lord lead me to this verse for my 4:8 year. It’s been so hard. (whine whine). All the emotions you mentioned–I felt them all–yesterday. And the day before. Some days I feel so stuck. But here’s the deal. I already know I need to guard my heart. But I really needed to be reminded: “or there’s gonna be trouble”. I really, really needed to hear it exactly that way! Thank you for taking a break from your blogging break just for me;-))
Hugs to you, Stacy. We can all get stuck in those ruts. Praying we’re so full of His sweet, tender, powerful Spirit that we can recognize thoughts that will only lead us down wrong paths if we follow after them. Bless you!
I needed this today, friend.
Much love to you, friend.
I love this! Were u peeking in on me lately? because I’ve been stuck wrestling with all you’ve stated. Thank you. It’s just what I needed to jump start my week and shift my thinking. Praises to you and our Lord giving me exactly what I needed to hear. I’m missing your blog but look forward to you beginning again. Thank you. Thank you. 🙂
Oh Lee, praying for fresh victories this week. You are precious.
Lara! Nail on head has been hit again 🙂 A very timely message after being put down for my beliefs. Thanks!
How To Get Your husband Back,Love Spells That Really Work Fast
My name is Karen Strunks from the United States of America and am here to share a testimony i would please want you to read careful. I was married for seventeen years until misfortune came in. My husband and i were living happily with our children and enjoyed the company of each other. Our eldest daughter eloped with her boyfriend and this cost my husband his job because he could no longer concentrate on his job and this almost tore our home apart. My husband lost his job and we were living on the little income i was making from my cabbage. This really tormented our home cos my husband loves her more than our other kids. I tried all i could do to make my husband happy even when i wasn’t happy. This happened for sometime and he had cardiac arrest. We spent virtually all the money we had and still the condition did not improve. I was left with no choice than to sell the stuffs in our house, I was able to realise some money which was spent on his medical bills. I did this for a while until we had no money on us again. We came home and was hoping he could get better. He continued like that for some months and we decided to seek for solution else where. I went online where i met many self acclaimed doctors and spell casters but none could help. I then came across this particular caster whose testimonies i have read. His name is Dr.Brave he promised to help and he did in a way i find very surprising to explain. He told me that he would cast some spells to make my daughter come back and to get my husband his job back. It was like an impossible task. But with the help and intervention of this prophet of GOD, my daughter came back home and saw her dad was sick and she cried and asked for forgiveness. My husband after a week became whole again and another spell was cast to get him his job back. Like a dream it happened. My daughter is back home and my loving husband is well again and now has his job back. So good people of the world i want you to help me in saying a big thank you to Dr.Brave for his intervention. This is one Dr i will seriously recommend for anyone with issues of such nature or any other problem. Simply contact him on his email via bravespellcaster@gmail.com,or kindly visit he website http://bravespellcaster.yolasite.com .