I turned off the email notifications on my phone yesterday. Because I’m starting to feel claustrophobic. Like the world is invading my sacred spaces.
I wake up in the morning and emails stare at me from the nightstand. I sit quiet with God and I hear my phone notifying me from the other room. I talk to my daughter about her day and it dings again.
They’re good emails. Some are messages from people I dearly love. But I’m sensing the need to guard certain sacred spaces.
So I’m asking God to help me define my personal sacred spaces. Spaces that I won’t easily allow the world to invade. Spaces I pray He gives me wisdom and strength to guard.
For me, in this season of life, this is what He’s showing me:
- Morning time with Him…sacred.
- The few minutes I have with my kids before they go to school…sacred.
- The hours between school dismissal and dinner…sacred
- The kitchen table…sacred
- (Some) car rides…sacred
This world is loud and technology is pushy. If we don’t define our personal sacred spaces and by His grace set some boundaries to help guard them, then the lines will slowly fade away.
Fill me, Lord…
What are your sacred spaces?
With teenage kids, we may get frustrated thwt they arent listening to us…..well how often are we not listening 100% to them because we are texting or emailing or watching tv. Its amazing how much more my kids share when they know they have all of me. Im sure my heavenly father likes that too come to think of it.
That’s so good, Ruthan. Being distracted really does hinder intimacy. Love to you, friend.
I’ve been struggling with this technology thing for sure, and I really love this lens with which to view it. It gives me a picture of what I want – as opposed to only what I don’t want. Thanks for sharing, Lara!
And now, back to my purpose for being on the computer. And then, to shut it down. 🙂
🙂 You make me smile Lauren. Hope you have a great Thursday!
Such wisdom! Mine are the same as yours…except I’d trade the before dinner hour with the last hour before the kiddos are in bed. Throughout the week, that’s the ONLY quality time I have with them to teach their little hearts.
Thanks, Sarah. That can be a sweet time for us too — the tucking into bed. (Until I get frustrated at the “can I have more water?” or “can you get me a kleenex?” or “can I…” Ha.) Bless you, sister.
This is a great reminder. God has spoken to me too in this area, it was mostly regarding Facebook. I am currently on a 40 day fast from Facebook and may never return. I feel like the days run in to each other and somehow my children are growing up, maturing, learning new things and I feel enveloped. I told my husband I’m ready to move to the country and cut out all outside communication 🙂 Great post Lara, thanks for reminding us of our sacred places!
Good for you, Markeitha! Seriously. Facebook can be consuming if we let it. Praying your season of “fasting” continues to bless you, friend.
Really? I can’t believe you wrote about this today. Were you in my laundry room with me last night? I was thinking some of these same thoughts. I was contemplating how technology invades and I don’t have time to explore ideas or brainstorm because my thoughts are inundated by external information. It is time to set some boundaries. Thank you for reiterating this to me.
I love you, Debby. It was great seeing you (too briefly!) yesterday. And I totally agree. The inundation can be overwhelming. Trusting Him to guide and empower us, my friend.
Since reading your post this morning, I realized that I too am feeling the same infringement upon my sacred spaces. Unfortunately until we feel that heavy weight upon us, we might miss God’s soft voice saying “hey, you haven’t even defined our sacred spaces…. you need to get with the program.” Thank you for the blessing of realization this morning. My blog is on black-out today for more time with God, and it looks like He used your blog to remind of this very practical issue!
I’m praying that Hello Mornings will help make my mornings my “sacred space”! I also make an effort to not bring my cell phone with me when I’m out and about with my husband. Focusing that time solely on him is a sacred space. 😉
A friend emailed me a link to your blog recently. How surprised I was to see it was your blog!!!! I am so proud of you, I had no idea what you were up to all these years since we last connected.
miss you much.
Amy Rice Clayton
Thank you so much for sharing this today. I’ve been struggling with time management lately and this really struck a chord with me. I’m spending too much time on the things that don’t matter – like checking emails, reading blogs and watching mindless TV at night – and not spending enough quality, present time with God and my family. I want to change that, so this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for being a blessing!