My kids and I have closed out many a recent night with “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis. They love it. I love it. It’s a win-win.
The other night it felt like the words reached up from the pages and grabbed me.
Mr. Beaver had just told the children that Aslan the King was on his way to Narnia. (For those who haven’t read it, Aslan represents Jesus.) When the children realized that Aslan was a lion the youngest asked in fear, “Is he…safe?”
Mr. Beaver looked at them slightly perplexed and responded, “Safe? Safe?! No, he’s not safe. But he’s good. And he’s King.”
I could barely keep reading because a lump clogged my throat.
A king’s wrath is like the growling of a lion,
but his favor is like dew on the grass.
Proverbs 19:12
Our God isn’t “safe”. He isn’t some beast for us to tame. He doesn’t fit neatly into our theology box and stay politely put. He’s God Almighty, whose ways are not our ways and thoughts are not our thoughts. He isn’t “safe” but He’s good.
His plans are good. His desires are good. His love is good. He’s always good. This world with all of its brokenness tempts us to doubt. It shouts for us to define Him based on the things we see in our every day.
But when life gets crazy, and our emotions flare, we need to start with Him. The Good One. And then evaluate our circumstance through the lens of His character. Because He isn’t safe. But He’s always good. And He’s forever King.
…but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Fill me, Lord…
How do we change when we begin with Him rather than beginning with our circumstance?
This really was great! I am keeping these verses on hand. I loved this! Seems like its hard for me to always see God has loving and fierce at the same time. At times I want to see the loving, kind, gracious and I start leaving the fierceness behind. or vice-versa. I must always remember, in every situation in everyday life, he “practices steadfast love, justice and righteousness…”
He is so beyond us, yet tender and intimate. Too amazing.
The kids and I have been sucked into these books since Christmas. I’ve read over that statement a few times. This thought is so gripping. Even a little scary to be honest. I think we read these verses and skim over because we don’t like to face it. There are circumstances, pain, and trials in this life. But HE is good. If I am really living for Him, the rest doesn’t matter anyway. Right?
The rest definitely hurts at times. Feelings are real. But He is always good. When we preach the truth of His character to those painful places, hope rises. You are a true testimony, my friend.
Starting the day without Him = Rush, stress, anger, yelling, the fears creep in, belly hurts, depressed, pity parties, etc., etc., etc.
Starting the day WITH Him = Quiet, loving prayer & meditation time, everything just falls into place, great mood, warm fuzzies in my heart, make good decisions, etc., etc., etc.
Luv u, Lara!
Xoxo 🙂
I have always loved that line from Mr. Beaver. We don’t hear that enough in our contemporary Christian speak…but it’s a crucial truth to digest. I processed it a bit when I was overseas… here’s a link to a little blog post about it:
Great post, Rene. I completely agree. Such deep truths. I’ve been reading “Tortured for Christ”. Every time I get a minute in the book I come away feeling overwhelmed at the ways of God. Count it ALL joy. Thanks for sharing.
LOVE LOVE this book!
It’s so good. I also love the part near the end when the girls are rolling around with Aslan, laughing and joyful. The way Lewis describes it, as if they teeter on the edge of fear when they think about who it is they are playing with. Such a great read.
Loved this! Something to ponder…we don’t talk about it much it seems.
He isn’t safe, but He’s good.
I am so looking forward to reading these to my son when he’s not, you know, 3. Maybe I should read them again myself, though!
will be contemplating the Lion of Judah today — thank you!
Oh, I love that! I found so many profound treasures when I read those aloud to my oldest. We’re ready to begin reading them aloud again now that the littlest is nearly 5. My favorite was when Aslan told one of the children (I think in A Horse and His Boy) that she didn’t get to know someone else story, only her own. Such a convicting truth!
I so love the parallels between the Narnia Chronicles that CS Lewis drew! Have you listened to them on Focus on the FAmily Radio Drama? I was nearly in tears hearing the “creation” of Narnia, recognizing the strong ties to the bible. LOVE the way the gospel can permeate so many areas!
I needed this so much more than you could know, Lara. Thank you. xoxo