Our world teaches that truth is subjective. As if we create it based upon our feelings. And to be real honest, part of me likes that mindset because if truth is subjective then I can set the hard sayings of Jesus aside. I can pick and choose what I want to believe.
But what if “truth” isn’t open to opinion. What if He means what He says. What if He will absolutely do what He promised. What if.
flickr photo credit: j. mark bertrand
Over and over, He has convinced me. He didn’t have to. He isn’t obligated to reveal Himself. But I’ve seen too much to turn away. He’s proven Himself undeniably real and the Scriptures to be so heart-affecting that I’m swayed to take Him at His Word.
He defines Truth.
It’s why I ask myself the same question every time I hit “publish” on my blog posts. “Lord, did I rightly represent Your Truth?”
We as writers and speakers and mamas and teachers, we lead people. They take what we say and (sometimes) believe it. That’s a weighty responsibility. Especially since I’m a fallen human when left to me. Unless I pass along His Word and His ways, then I put myself on dangerous ground.
Is all this Bible talk true? Yes. As anti-cultural as it seems, I can’t deny. He speaks and transforms through these Pages. Praying that we as Christ followers radically take Him at His Word.
Fill me, Lord…
Which hard sayings would you love to “set aside” from God’s Word?
Which “truths” has He used to change your life?
I’d like to set aside the trials. Can I do that? Well, actually I wouldn’t wish that on myself. God has proven Himself in new ways to me during the hard times. I would be doing myself a disservice if I no longer faced trials. I would grow stagnant. I wouldn’t deepen my relationship with the One True God. I need to trust Him since He sees the Whole picture. He DOES know what is best. His Words are true!
Oh girl, so true. I wouldn’t trade the valleys. He proves Himself so faithful through the suffering as we walk by (sometimes minuscule) faith. For me, I would love to set aside Jesus’ words about hell. I don’t like thinking about it. But God is holy and sin requires punishment. Ever thankful for the grace of Christ’s blood.
We were just talking in church yesterday about making God look good…the authority we have to make good and bad decisions.