I met a woman the other day who confirmed it yet again. There’s nothing more beautiful than a quiet spirit.
She’s that one who rests secure even when life’s storms pound all around her. That one whose face displays a solid trust in her God — knowing and knowing that He will be faithful. That one who may get knocked down, but she stands back up and points her heart to the Sovereign Lord.
There’s absolutely nothing more beautiful.
but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
1 Peter 3:4
So how can we be her? We choose today to wildly believe our God. We choose to say, “I have no idea what You’re doing. But You’re my Daddy and I can completely trust you.”
There’s nothing more beautiful.
Fill me, Lord…
How can we cultivate a quiet spirit?
You definitely have this Miss Lara.
You’re a sweet one, Ruthan.
Love your words and your heart friend.
I could say the same of you, Jenn. You pretty lady, you.
Oh how I try to remember and believe this. To help I close my eyes to calm down and say ok Lord where are we going now. You’re driving.
It has to be so diliberate, doesn’t it Margie. Otherwise the waves can overtake us at times. Bless you this weekend, sister.
This does not describe me what-so-ever, but it does describe the me I want to be! Thank you for once again point me in His direction.
We’re all in process, Sarah. All of us. Keep running the race of faith, one step at a time.
I am right there with Sarah. Quiet I am not, but truly do pray to quiet my voice & thoughts & listen more to him. But it is insane in my head & so hard to let go of that control & the tongue! In prayer for a quiet spirit. Pray for my quiet time with God & for me to not give into laziness or depression. God has much better things for me & all us women folk. Love you Laura, thank God for your quiet spirit.