I don’t love the treadmill. It feels like a trap. Running in place, staring at a wall, counting down the laps — I think it would be an effective torture method.
Because I’m a wimp in cold weather, I’ve been torturing myself and running indoors this past week, staying focused on my “why.” But instead of being hypnotized by the little red dots going in circles on the dash, I talk to God.
A phrase fell on me in our Saturday morning “conversation” — a conversation which consists of me questioning and blabbing, intermingled with my attempts at keeping up with Lecrae’s too-fast-for-me rap that’s pumping through my earbuds.
I was talking with Him about the root of insecurity for us a humans, when in my spirit I heard, idolatry breeds insecurity.
Whoa. A little heavy for a morning run. In fact, whenever I hear the word “idol” I’m quick to think of some plaster figurine being sold in India somewhere.
But we all know that golden calves and wooden images aren’t the only idols that we as humans worship. So when the phrase dropped on me, I started thinking about all the idols I’ve worshipped in my own life and how they’ve manifested themselves.
Idol –> Revealed As –> Leading To
My physical appearance –> Comparing, Vanity, Materialism –> Insecurity
A man’s love –> Promiscuity, Control, Criticism –> Insecurity
The approval of people –> Judgmental, Manipulative –> Insecurity
My children –> Control, Overprotective, Hovering –> Insecurity
A tidy home –> Overreaction to messes, Irritability –> Insecurity
Time –> Barking Orders, Inflexibility –> Insecurity
Stuff –> Anger when it’s broken, torn, lost, mishandled –> Insecurity
Well, that’s a humbling list.
It never fails. Whenever I seek after those things to be my fill — ultimately giving them my worship — I’m left an insecure mess. And it’s because people and things aren’t reliable. They can change or be taken away.
Whenever we depend upon something in this physical world to define us and fill us, we will wrestle against insecurities. I’ve battled it since I was a scrawny, late-blooming, freckle-faced, glasses-wearing fifth grader. And here it is. You ready? As His children, if we don’t crush those idols, He will faithfully crush them for us. And believe me, it can be painful.
Only One is worthy of our worship. Only One is worthy of our devotion. When we truly worship Him with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, we stand secure, on solid ground, with our head lifted high…for He never changes.
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God [is] Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” ~Jesus, in John 4:23-24
Idolatry breeds insecurity.
Fill me, Lord…
What idols have you crushed in your life? What idols do you need to crush?
How do we crush our idols?
And the winner of last Monday’s giveaway
(randomly selected by “And the winner is”) is (dun-dun-dun)…
Craig S.
Congratulations, Craig!!! I’ll email you with the details.
Also, don’t forget that Janelle is still offering 35% discount to all of my readers!
The discount code is LARABLOG2011.
Click here to check out all of her beautiful designs. Thanks, Janelle!
So very true….I can see how that makes perfect sense…and am thankful for this post. By putting other things before God…there can not be that true contentment in all things through and from him….
Thanks, sweet friend. I’ve missed “seeing” you! You are right, the only true contentment comes from resting in and trusting Him. Hugs.
Wow, Lara, you’ve completely spoken to me with this. I was just reading Psalms this morning and I have to say, I’d rather Him crush them, than for me to become like them. That would be unbearable…
BTW, I totally was the scrawny, late-blooming, freckle-faced, glasses-wearing fifth grader right along with you. But I think I’m older… LOL
Oh Christine, SO TRUE! “I’d rather Him crush them than for me to become like them.” He is so gracious!!! xoxo
“As His children, if we donβt crush those idols, He will faithfully crush them for us.” Yes and yes, I too have seen this in my life. This post really distills the essence of idolatry. Such pointed insight. Thankful for His revelation and your sharing, Lara.
It’s a heavy word. Thanks for that encouragement, Patti.
I completely relate to this. I definitely get stuck in the “approval of people” one when it comes to my obsessive desire to be perfect, which is simply unattainable. I realize it, but I keep on trying. Then I feel defeated when it doesn’t work out how I planned. That one keeps creeping in at different times in my life. I’ve found that God is always the One crushing them. I’m just holding on and crying out to Him for help because I’ve proven – over and over again – that I can not do anything on my own.
You are not alone, JaQuinn. It’s something in our flesh nature that seeks that approval from people; when ultimately it’s His “approval” and love we crave. Running this faith race next to you, sister-friend.
Heavy but true. I’ve been struggling with my weight lately as I’ve gained 40 pounds in a year from the medication I’m on for Lyme Disease. It bothers me mostly because it’s a constant reminder that I am sick, not healthy. BUT, it has been bothering me more than it should. My eyes have been on my flesh too much and not on who I am in Christ Jesus. Thank you for this, Lara.
I can imagine that would be such a struggle. Thanks for your honesty, Janelle. It’s so natural to set our eyes down here in this physical place. So natural. Praying for you!
Amen! Awesome post!! It came in a perfect time. Thanks for sharing!
I read this yesterday and had a breakthrough! I had been feeling insecure about a couple things and I just couldn’t understand why. This makes sense and put light on the areas where I had made idols without realizing it! I was working so hard at accomplishing something I had make it my idol. My unguarded strength is my biggest weakness. I have to really think about time being an idol….deep. π Thank you so much!
Thanks for writing this π
I just stumbled on your blog and this is such a great post! I am an inspirational speaker that speaks to youth (mostly) on topics of purity and purpose. Much needed lessons here!