He won’t allow it. Not with His own. Oh maybe for a while. He may let us mess around with religious jargon while our heart watches from a distance. But not for long. Not with His own.
You know, the world is hungry to see some real. I mean, really raw, really humble, really loving real. People don’t play around anymore with fake, church-religiosity. Which is good. Because Jesus didn’t play around with fake religiosity.
We as “the church” — the you and me that call ourselves “Christian” — could benefit from taking a painfully honest look at ourselves. Lifting that churchy veil and being completely honest. Not because God will smote us — which He could. Not because we aren’t marking off our check-lists with perfection — which we can’t.
It’s way more.
We need to take a painfully honest look at ourselves because God loves us. I mean, really loves us. And out of that passionate love, He truly knows what’s best, even if it goes against every. single. thing. we feel. He died so that we could live a life of true soul abundance, not a mediocre existence.
When Jesus walked on this earth He confronted those who said they were God’s people — over and over and over calling them “hypocrite.” Because what they said with their lips didn’t actually penetrate their hearts. It didn’t affect the choices they made when no one else was looking.
That sobers me. Because apart from Him and His grace and His discipline, I’m the “chief of sinners.”
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2
We won’t do this life perfectly. We just won’t. And thankfully He’s so tender to the fact that we’re dust. We have this flesh that we wrestle against and the enemy’s lies that we’re prone to believe. But that’s why He gave us each other. That’s why He seals us with His Spirit, so that we can lay aside the sin that entangles us and run.
If we’re not going to play around with fake religiosity, then it’s time for some real. It’s time to confess to one another, “I’m a complete mess. Can you pray for me?” It’s time to hold each other up and speak life into dark places. It’s time to stop judging every single person we meet and start giving grace and grace and more grace. Because we need grace and grace and more grace.
Today’s the day. It’s time for some real. Because Jesus doesn’t play around with fake religiosity. He loves us way too much for that.
Fill me, Lord…
Would you share a time when you experienced the church really being the church in your life?
so true. He wants us – all of us. He wants us to hear HIM and HIS words -not our words/thoughts on top of His. His ways are perfect, ours are not. It’s time for all people, who claim to love Christ – to see – we are broken – we need to follow Him – and open our hearts to Him so HE can change us from the inside out.
Oh how I still have so much that needs to be changed from the inside out. He’s so patient with His children. Love to you, sister.
Amen, sister.
For three years I met weekly with a group of women. We got together at 6:30 in the morning on Fridays to pray. We were real – the ugliness of our hearts and lives exposed. Yet, no judgement – just prayers. Lots of prayers. That was church for me.
Two babies later, there’s no longer 6:30 prayer meetings for me. I miss the raw and real you can share when you’re so connected, week after week, in a trustworthy group of believers.
That is so good. I have a handful of amazing friends that let me share my own mess. They don’t judge or try to fix. Just encourage and pray. It’s so vital that we walk beside each other with authenticity. Many blessings, Sarah.
I love this post!!! Oh how it speaks to me! Thank you!
I have been so hungry for real
for years feeling like the voice crying out in the desert
prepare the way
get real with Him
get real with yourselves
get real with each other
that IS the Kingdom of God