You know when you’re involved in those icebreaker conversation situations and someone asks for people to share their most embarrassing moment (because we all like to laugh at other people making fools of themselves). All my life, I’ve never had a really good story to tell. I’ve never had a good story to tell…that is…until now.
Y’all. It happened. My most embarrassing, painfully clumsy moment.
One rainy, Fall afternoon (last week), I was waiting inside the Starbucks for my mom who was coming to pick up my kids so I could get a little writing done. Through the glass storefront I saw her pull up into a nearby parking space. So I sent my kids out to get in her car for their grandmotherly adventure. But as they reached the car I remembered that they left something in my car they might need. So I quickly called my mom on the phone and asked her to wait.
I ran out into the pouring rain, got the thing from my car, then ran it to my mom’s car — me now dripping wet. This is when everything started happening in slow motion. I turned to run back into the crowded, glass-front Starbucks and with all my might I took off into a powerful sprint — because you know, I’m a wanna-be-runner. In my head I’m sleek and aerodynamic (not really).
I get about 10 feet from the door of the Starbucks and was jolted to a stop. My Olympic, dream-like runner’s euphoria came to a screeching halt as my body flailed into a waist-high, metal bar. Legs and head coming forward, I looked like a life-sized greater than sign ( < ) curved around an unmoving piece of iron.
I died. Not literally. But in laughter. Y’all. I could not contain myself. I turned around to see my daughter in the front seat of my mom’s car also wailing in laughter…after she realized that I had survived the event. Then with rain still coming down, my hair dripping wet, and any ounce of pride I had 2 minutes prior completely crushed, I made the walk of shame back inside the glass-front Starbucks to my table which is where I sat to type out this hilarity — with the adrenaline eventually subsiding and the soreness slowly increasing.
“Some have given their lives for martyrdom, Lara Williams died because she smacked into a pole.”
I’m certain that this will one day be some illustration I use to teach some lesson about staying on guard to the schemes of the enemy or keeping our eyes on our path ahead, or something like that. But for today I simply invite you to laugh your face off at/with me. Happy Monday, people. Happy Monday.
Tell us your most embarrassing moment. I promise we won’t will laugh.
After speaking at a women’s event at our church in my new cute outfit- I walked to a nearby shopping center with my then almost one year old in a stroller. My husband dropped me off earlier that day to get new tires and would pick me up from the shopping center down the road when he was done.
I had never walked from the church to this shopping center before and found out the hard way that this was a difficult task as the street was without a sidewalk and had a very difficult hill. I had my book bag, baby bag and my wallet and made my way through the uphill muddy terrain in horrible sandals.
As I reached the crosswalk to the shopping center waiting for the light to change, I felt like someone had splashed me with water. Only to my surprise my super red monthly friend had made it down both legs of my white jeans. As I crossed the road, teenagers who were leaving the high school nearby for lunch, office employees and strangers were pointing and beginning to roll down their windows -some saying “do you need some help Miss” as others had their mouths dropped open. I was horrified, embarrassed and mad at my husband (like he knew this would happen or something right? SMH)
I crossed the street and immediately entered a bookstore that I knew had a restroom. People looked at me as if I had been stabbed with my baby screaming in the stroller wanting out and then realizing – I left my phone at the church.
Using the phone at the front registers to call my husband was such a moment too.
I should have just hung out in the horror section for help cause it felt like a nightmare. Or perhaps I could of found out how to make a new pair of pants in the DIY section?
My husband showed up with his trusty butt curtain sweatshirt and I walked out with a screaming hungry baby, my now new pink jeans and “oy vey” all over my face. Cried the whole way home and just chalked it up to “I’m 43 years old- it was bound to happen sometime in my life and I can handle it waaaay better now than ever”.
The enemy thinks he had something over me after sharing my testimony to 100 women…nope.
Oh girl. This pains me to read. Bless your sweet heart. 😁 And thank you for the laugh.
Just laughed like I had never heard this before 😂
You’re welcome. 😂
Lara…I can’t stop picturing you “like a life-sized greater than sign ( < ) curved around an unmoving piece of iron" in my head! Thanks for the laugh!! Now more importantly, are you ok?