My daughter has been a frazzled mess this week. It turns out she may have to get glasses. Oh how it brings back memories of my first pair of 1980’s frames. But she’s my worrier by nature. And sweet thing, she doesn’t like change that she can’t control. *Ahem*
But as I’ve “counseled” her this week about not being anxious and trusting God and living in this day, I’ve been reminded of something. My call as a parent is to take her precious hand — the one that clings desperate to mine at times — and place it into His.
She’s young. I know. And she still needs me. Obviously. But I want her to learn from an early age that He alone mends our heart. He alone tends to our anxious places with indescribable peace. He alone never fails, always loves, and pours grace upon grace.
You shall teach (the truths of God) diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:7
I overheard her crying out to Him last night with her fears and frustrations in eight year old verbage. It melted me. And I silently prayed, “Lord meet with her and show her Your mighty, comforting power.” He did.
Fill me, Lord…
In the day-to-day, how do you take your child’s hand and place it into His?
What a wonderful legacy you are building for her, Lara. She will not have to go searching when she is older. She will know exactly where to run to fill that hole in her heart that can only be filled by Him. Such a touching story!
Lara, you do such intentional parenting. Go team! I wish we could take a bunch of parents and…well, I don’t know, sometimes I just want to shake them into understanding. Good thing I’m not God. Anyway, keep up the good work. I’m on your side!
Other thoughts I’m mulling over regarding statements you made about anxiety and God: I agree we should rest in the Lord, He gives us peace. But, I see people all the time who don’t get the connection of how God can/will restore peace of mind to them. Many people need help in learning and remembering about God. They don’t seem to know “what” to do to acquire God’s peace. I suppose, that’s where we, as the body of Christ come in. Yes?
Amen and Amen!!!!!! I had to realize as a parent that God is the one who works in their hearts, I can only lead them there. It took a lot of pressure off of me as a parent!
I know this seems small, but just thinking about all the times I’ve kissed booboo’s and taken all the hero credit when that is a perfect teaching opportunity to call on Jesus together and show her the real Hero. Thanks for the perspective! And to hear your baby crying out to Him, oh man! Heartbreaking and exhilarating at the same time! That my babies would call on Him, love Him and serve Him is the #1 cry of my heart as a parent.
Love this, friend. “He alone tends to our anxious places with indescribable peace…grace upon grace.” That is truth. Amazing!
Thanks, needed reminding on this one. As a father with two 13 yro daughters, I struggle with my natural desire to whup any boy that comes around as apposed to my prayer that they are in God’s hands!
Yes, I agree, DO pray for your gals. BUT I also believe that God has placed them in your care and it is your responsibility to protect them. 13 is such a tender, impressionable age and they need your guidance more than ever. I say, Go Cowboys!