Some areas are just gray. Not right or wrong. Just. Gray. For me, going straight might be best; for you, turning left might bring his blessing. And it’s in those gray spaces that we need his Spirit to guide us. Individually. Intimately.
Put murder or child abuse in front of me and the glass is clear. An obvious violation of God’s heart and his commands. But put Twitter in front of me and I can get a little lost. It’s more difficult to navigate when there aren’t absolutes.
Based upon the response to Friday’s post, I’d say we all want direction at times — especially in those unclear areas. We want guidance with how to manage time and how to teach our kids. And guidance isn’t wrong. It’s right.
But ultimately only he can guide us through the gray. Only he can lead us down the best path for our personal Monday. Only he knows us perfectly…and loves us regardless.
Part of me doesn’t like writing about the gray because I never want to put something on you that is only intended for me. I never want to place a burden upon your shoulders that will lay heavy and unnecessary.
So I pray that we would be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led, knowing where he is leading when we can’t look up the answer in a concordance.
I love what Jessie Penn-Lewis said, “The Spirit-filled life is the crucified life.” The crucified life. Dying to self and setting my mind, soul, heart, and strength on him. It’s the only way to truly live.
Fill me, Lord…
Practically speaking, how can we die to self and live sensitive to his leading?
I was just reading Joshua 22 this morning about the tribes that settled east of the Jordan building an altar, needing to feel connected to the other tribes. I think there are so many “Jordans” that separate us and we need to remember to stay in solidarity with those that love Jesus even if they take different paths in those gray areas. So good today, Lara!
“”Part of me doesn’t like writing about the gray because I never want to put something on you that is only intended for me. I never want to place a burden upon your shoulders that will lay heavy and unnecessary.””
I don’t think you can put or place something on someone else. I think when you share YOUR heart and what the Lord is speaking to you, others can be blessed. It may not be intended for every single person that reads it. It is our responsibility to have boundaries (as you spoke of in another post) & filters, and to ultimately listen to the Holy Spirit in our lives, and then to act or not act.
I don’t like the gray either…but do love to hear how He leads you through it!
Amen Shana!
Well, thanks, sweet friend. Those are both kind and wise words. Gives me something to pray about with this gray area of blogging. 😉
I recently spoke with my pastor from Tennessee and as we talked he mentioned something to me that he had shared with everyone in church before. Many times the message that the Lord puts on my heart is intended not only for others, but myself as well. We never know what others are going through or how the Lord will use what He has commanded us and gifted us to do.
Peace, <
Hey, Lara, I just wanted you to know that I found your blog today and I’m in love with it! Thanks for having an awesome blog!
Thanks, Tay. Blessings to you!
Thanks, Tay. Blessings to you!