God is showing me something about that little word “never.” Almost every time I’ve breathed out “I will never…,” one of two things lies beneath the surface. You ready?
Fear or pride. Or both.
Ugh. It’s not pretty, people. But just think of all those times those words have come out of your mouth. And then be honest. Peel back the layers and identify the root.
Maybe it was as superficial as “I will never drive a mini-van.” Ahem. Pride. Or “I will never go to Africa as a missionary.” Umm. Fear. And maybe pride.
But we all know what God does about fear or pride when it takes up residence in the heart of His child. He uncovers it. He exposes it. Because fear and pride steal from us.
I think I need to say that again.
Fear and pride steal from us.
He isn’t trying to be mean when He calls us to go somewhere we said we’d never go. Or when He allows us to fall into some sin pit we swore we’d never stumble into. He just loves us. And He has freedom for us. And if fear and pride somehow define a crevice of our heart, then He will graciously break that wide open.
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:6-7
So fill in the blank, “I will never…” And then dig down to the root. He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear. And pride comes before a fall.
If fear is driving that “I would never” then let’s simply say, “As You will, Lord. Have Your way. I trust You to be forever faithful and to always cover me in Your love. Your ways are higher and Your plans for me are good.” Fear of man or circumstance has no rightful place in the child of God.
If pride lies behind that “I would never” then let’s say, “Lord, forgive me for acting as if I know what tomorrow holds. Forgive me for believing that I’m too good to fall or too smart to trip. Have Your way Lord. You alone are God and I’m constantly needy for Your great and awesome grace.” He lifts those who bow low.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7
Life may tempt us to breathe out “I will never” statements, but take this as a warning from someone whose “I will nevers” have almost all come true. Fear and/or pride lie at the root. And He will faithfully, lovingly expose.
Fill me, Lord…
What are some of your present or past “I will never” statements?
Can you see fear or pride at the root?
I can’t think of any that I say now, but my old one was “I will never get married.” I said it all the time. I held strong to it (even when I was dating my now-husband). Fear was definitely at the root. I was afraid of repeating all that I’d seen and being hurt the way that other people had been. I thought that I could avoid the pain by avoiding marriage. But God had other plans.
Oh girl. Beautifully spoken truth. Every word.