I asked God what He would have me say today because, you know, he’s God and I’m not. Duh. And you know what I heard? “Heard” being a loose term. I heard him say, “Remind them and yourself to worship me.”
To worship is to “ascribe worth”. Our hearts do it day-in and day-out. We worship stuff and plans and iPhones and social media and people and…God. We’re worshippers. The question is what or who are we worshipping.
When I actually worship the only worthy One — when I sing to and of him, which I don’t do publicly, or recite truths of his character, which I do…everywhere…because people in this world can be cra-zay — things change.
Worship cures my home when grumpiness reigns. It settles my soul when fear invades. It wards off worry, demolishes disputes, quiets resentment, and flattens feuds.
Then Job (after losing everyone and everything) arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “…The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. ”
Job 1:20-21
And we all have the choice. Regardless of the day, the hour, the trial, the questions, we get to choose our focus of worship. We get to choose to worship him. And when we do, we change.
We change. Our prayers change. Our perspectives change. Our pursuits change. Because through worship we place God back on the throne of our hearts — back to his rightful position.
So what’s he saying? Worship. Just worship him. Him. Regardless.
Fill me, Lord…
What does worship look like in your daily life?
Worship is raw for me today Lara. When you asked and He gave…remind them to worship me, it may have been for your “followers” but in my heart of hearts I know it was for me, just me. He’s personal like that, pretty amazing like that. When I say raw I mean r-a-w. Face flat, eyes swollen, heart in a vice worship. It’s painful but its the only thing that feels right. Crying out for deliverance, no change, crying out for answers, no change. But worship. It heals. Slowly but truly. He whispers, answers are not necessary right now…just abide.
Thanks for reminding me.
Your testimony, Tracey, is pure beauty.