I admit it. I read blogs and for just a second I think that everyone else must have more time than I do. The Christmas mantles look gorgeous. The faces smile contented. And I assume the laundry’s all folded and put neatly in its proper place.
But let’s burst that little rose-colored bubble. Because really, behind every picture perfect lies regular people with struggles and choices and “stop touching me(s)” being slung around. And every single one of us is given the same thing.
flickr photo credit: asu
We only have today. He gives all of us, from the least to the greatest, this day to make an impression on our corner of the world. We’ve turned the page on yesterday with all of its messiness. So we can let that go and leave it behind. And tomorrow will forever be…tomorrow.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
In this day we have continual choice. And our choices have effects. I will affect those beside me — for better or for worse. And so will you.
Sometimes I want my impression erased or forgotten. It’s then that I rest in His merciful mending. Other times, by His absolute grace, I point long enough at Him that something eternal happens. I hold those moments close.
But all of us have the same thing. We have today. Now we get to choose how to spend it.
Fill me, Lord…
In one sentence(ish), what is God calling you to this day? For me it’s simple, “Trust Me.”
I’m also spending some time at the MODsquadBlog talking about leaving a “Legacy of Hope” for our kids, beginning with today. Click here to be transported through cyber space to read that post. Blessings, friend!
I’ve always struggled with living in the mess of yesterday and regretting what didn’t happen, comparing my mess to someone’s “picture perfect”. This is a perfect reminder. Thank you, my friend, you are a blessing.
Oh Christine, I can totally get stuck in yesterday’s mess. But Iiving in yesterday steals today. Praying we live fully where He has us this day. xoxo
He is telling me to go to bed early so that I can get up early to talk & listen to Him.
So. Vital! I love this Caroline. It’s simple and practical. You can do it. And I know He will bless you for it.
Good morning, sweet sister. Thank you for always speaking truth into the deep places of my heart. He uses you more than you know. For me…I believe God is speaking this into my day…
“Be diligent with what I give you today.”
Diligent. I love that word. Pressing on. Running forward. Faithful with the things He places before me today. Diligent. xoxo
Today He is saying: “Talk to Me. Guard our time together as more precious than anything else in your life.”
Ahh. Guarding that sweet time with Him. So much tries to seep in, doesn’t it? I want to faithfully guard that time as well. His mercies are new every single morning. Love to you, friend.
You r such an amazing writer 😉 and friend. I needed to read this right now. Struggling with not being overwhelmed… But you’re right, we only have today. So wise. I think God is telling me: “Relinquish control, in the small and the big. Do what I made you to do.”