There’s this beat, this movement of God lying beneath the surface of the everyday. Beneath the drone of money exchanged and words passed to strangers, he willingly moves about in love. And my feet have choice. To follow or flee.
If I’m not purposeful then my eyes linger in the mirror, self-focused and proud. My feet press down my own path demanding, I want. I need. And I miss his moving. I miss the blessing. Too often I miss it.
Yet graciously, he reminds. And sometimes I slow long enough to breath a prayer, Lord, give me your vision. Let me see. It’s then my feet pause. And turn.
It’s then I finally notice the one who needs a word of hope at the gym. My eyes are opened to him who is desperate for a drink of water, physically and spiritually. And I see my three little ones craving my focus and my smile. So I look them in the eyes and enter in. By his grace.
He is moving about beneath it all. Oh to be one who sees.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you stay connected to him in order to see those fleeting opportunities?
Do you have a story to share?
Sometimes I will see a clerk in the store who is wearing a nametag…I may say thank you “Lisa” – God Bless you today! It’s amazing how hearing your name brings our ears to attention and just maybe she will know God loves her:)
You are so sweet, Amy. People like to know they are seen. And to think they could be reminded that they are seen by their Maker! Thanks for sharing.