At the root of every addiction, every sin, every emotional stronghold, is a lie. Maybe a few lies. To experience true soul freedom, we have to dig up the root and expose it to God’s Light. Otherwise it will keep on whispering, luring us back into flesh pits.
I’ve believed lots of lies in my life. Believed lies. Coddled lies. Even protected lies. Because the lies feel good for a while. They convince us they know best. They may feed our ego or momentarily cause the inner ache to subside. But chasing after what the lie promises can never bring lasting satisfaction. In the end it only leaves us hungry for more.
Because it’s what the enemy wants — us stuffing ourselves full of things that were never meant to subside the yearning. Us worshipping anything or anyone other than our Maker. The enemy doesn’t care what it is that gets our heart’s devotion, just as long as it isn’t the true Lover of our soul. He’s mean like that.
Satan: There is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44
Jesus: He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.
1 Peter 2:22
It has me asking God for revelation, because He sees every motive behind every thought behind every action before I take the next step. He knows me perfectly, even when I don’t know myself. And He can reveal the lies that tempt me most.
So grab your shovel. Let’s ask Him to reveal the things that vie for lordship over our hearts. And then let’s dig down to the root and expose any lies to His life-giving truth. It’s then that true freedom can rise.
Examples of lies that have tempted me:
Lie: If we had more money, then we’d be secure.
Replace With –>
Truth: God is my secure place. He calls me to seek Him first, not things of this world. (Matthew 6:25-33)
Lie: If enough people praise me, then I’m valuable.
Replace With –>
Truth: My Maker cannot stop thinking about me. He embroidered me. I have immeasurable value. (Psalm 139)
Lie: Just one more (time, taste, glance) won’t hurt.
Replace With –>
Truth: The road to destruction begins with the small, daily compromises. I’m not my own. I’m His. Bought with a price.
(1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Fill me, Lord…
What lies have tempted you recently?
What truths can you use to battle against the lies?
Oh, this is good food for the soul this morning.
Lie: My day job doesn’t matter.
Truth: “…with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:22-23)
It seems like I’m constantly having to replace my thoughts with truths. The enemy’s a liar; and his lies seem so right at times. Thankfully God didn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. (Love that Colossians verse, my friend.)
It’s possible (when I say possible I mean that it is absolutely happening) that you are speaking to my soul. Those are my issues, and the one that Sarah posted about her job.
I love you, JaQuinn! You are just precious. And I mean that. Praying for you tonight. Looking forward to seeing you next week(ish).
Lie: If I stood before the Lord today, I’d be full of praise. It’s all these burdens that keep me silent before him.
Truth: Isaiah 6:3, “Woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell with a people of unclean lips.” The truth is that before the Lord my need is revealed even more than it is here and now. I’ve been cleansed by the blood of Jesus… That is where my praise comes from and the ability to rise and serve my Lord and King!
Now is the time to decide will I live what I know, or be still….
Yes, yes, yes…more freedom Lord. So many lies I believe. Thankful that His truth sets us FREE!!