I love to run. Well…clarification. I love how I feel after a run. Depending on the conditions of the day — the weather, my attitude — I may assume to set aside the actual running part to eat a big bag of Doritos. But that would defeat the purpose. So a few days each week I lace up my shoes (even if I don’t feel like it), remember my why, and hit the road.
On the uphill I preach to myself, because at times everything in me wants to quit. “You can do this. Keep going. One foot in front of the other.” I push my body to what seems to be its limit. And just when I think my lungs will explode, the road levels out. And I breathe deep again until that next uphill climb.
And nearly every time it reminds me of the faith race set before me.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…
Hebrews 12:1-2
There’s a race of faith set before us. We wake every morning with the choice to run in it or not. To believe Him or not. To spend time with Him or not. To endure to the end or not.
Some days we may not feel like running. It may be hot or we may be weary. That bag of cheesy chips may entice us more than the tennis shoes. But He says to lay aside the things that weigh us down — sin and selfishness — and run. Run with endurance. Keep running with our eyes locked on the One before us.
It won’t always be easy, but the reward is greater than we can imagine. So keep running, friend. The Maker of heaven and earth empowers us to press on. (Isaiah 40:31)
Fill me, Lord…
How goes your faith race?
Oh, yes. Keep running. On the road, and in life. Thank you.
My running inspiration! Hi friend, good “seeing” you here. You’re a blessing. 🙂
I am someone who loves the “after run” feeling as well. Thanks for this illustration! I needed the encouragement today as I snoozed a little too long. 🙂
The snooze button and I have a love-hate relationship. Happy running, sister.
Thanks for the encouragement. Your blog and videos are amazing and just what I’ve been needing in my Christian walk. I thank God for you and your desire to reach others with the love of Christ. Love ya girl!
Thanks for your words on life and running Lara. Your encouagement is a treasure.