You want to shake things up? Start praying and singing hymns in the darkest hour. Hope will rise. Joy will seep out. Chains will be loosed. Life will erupt deep down. {see Acts 16:25ff}
Oh but our hearts deceive. We feel real feelings and respond to our circumstance. I do anyway. We hear the clanking around our ankles and want to give up. But regardless of the day there is still some good because he is still God.
He is life to us. I preach it to myself daily. I start on my knees with the reminder that he alone is my fill. You alone are my fill. Always. Everything else is too volatile. He is the secure One. He is the One always loving his children, desiring we live in freedom. Freedom from self and freedom from sin. That is abundant living.
The only way you and I can praise when the darkness surrounds is if our gaze is set on the Life-Giver. Begin with him.
Fill me Lord…
Why can you praise him today?
Love this! So so true! Having a “tired” day yesterday. Ran to the store turned on Klove. I sang and praised and loved and was revived. I think I will start the day that way today. Praising through song.
Singing totally revives me too (maybe not those in listening distance considering my tone but hey…)
To stop and look and notice God in the moment, in every breath, every circumstance, all things, everywhere, to remember in the moment that I am His makes my heart sing in the midst of the storm. Thank you for a great post this morning, Lara!
Yes!! Rejoicing in ALL things – even the darkest moments!
Rejoicing – for researches who make medications, that are keeping my 6yo daughter comfortable. We are in a very delicate fragile place tho’.
Oh Beverley, it is so easier said that done. Praying for you and your family. Grace to you sweet friend.