I know the question has come out of your mouth because you’re human. I would assume. And we as humans have this innate longing to know the answer to this question on an hourly/minutely basis, come what may.
The question? “Lord, why?”
Why this disease?
Why this struggle?
Why this hardship?
Why this temptation?
Why this rejection?
Why this pain?
Why this trial?
Why this traffic?
Why this pressure?
Why this…everything?
You ready for the answer? Because He’s God. And the depths of that reality answer everything.
His agenda in the lives of His children will always and forever be the same. He is lovingly, faithfully, continually transforming us into the image of His Son. Period.
It’s sometimes painful. It’s often unwanted because the flesh puts up a fight for its own way. And our humanity can’t see past the now. But in the Father’s infinite knowledge and out of His unwavering love, He moves in the lives of His children with the (good) end result in mind.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4
When stuff happens we have a choice to make. We can begin with the mess and try to define God through it. Or we can begin with Him and look at our circumstance through the lens of His faithfulness.
He doesn’t follow behind the enemy to clean up his messes. He’s God. He’s reigning. He’s in the front. And believing His steadfast, intimate care over me and over the days I spend on this planet, has become my touchstone. Because otherwise the “Lord, whys?” would swallow me whole.
So when today happens — from the mundane irritations to the life-altering blows — let’s remember. Let’s remember that His banner over us is love. Let’s ask Him to remind our prone-to-wander-hearts that He is doing something purposeful and holy. Let’s answer our soul’s “Lord, why?” with “because my Father knows things I cannot fully grasp and He’s doing things I cannot fully see.”
Fill me, Lord…
What “why” has your heart been tempted to ask recently?
My very best friend died in a horrible church van accident on February 21st. I have found myself asking God A LOT “WHY”. Non of it makes sense. Why now, why her, why the other youth group leader that died in the same accident. Why did He connect me to my Soulmate for only 12 months and 2 weeks. We both waited 43 and 44 years to meet each other and to only have her for 12 months is the reason I ask God “why” all the time. We were better together. But each time, I am brought back to…His plan is perfect. His ways are better then my ways. And yes….just like you said….He’s God!! I know God will make all things beautiful. Praise the Lord my Faith is founded in The Word of God. I know He is faithful to keep His promises. My HOPE is in HIM for sure but it does not take away my physical pain. I miss her insanely!! I ask God to use me any way He can as part of His purpose for all this. And praise God He has. He has given me a boldness to share the Gospel like never before because our days our numbered. Only God knows when He is going to call His children to heaven. And people need to be READY to meet Jesus face to face. We’re not promised tomorrow. I am so thankful for my amazing memories with my Bestie. We lived life to the fullest to say the least. One adventure after another!! I can’t wait to see her again in heaven. And praise God she is in heaven. She had a precious relationship with Jesus. She LOVED THE WORD OF GOD!!!! I can’t wait to worship our Savior “together”. That will by far be our most awesome adventure!!! Thank you so much for your post today. It truly blessed me.
Oh, Sherri. That’s a big “why”. I can’t imagine your pain. Hearing your testimony of turning your heart to the faithfulness of God, even when you don’t know why He always does what He does, is beautiful. Blessings to you, sweet sister.
In our small town, two streets over from us, a 1 month old baby has died. His mama had been breast feeding him when she accidentally fell asleep and rolled over on top of him. This is a “Lord, Why?” question for me. The grief this poor mama is feeling is unexplainable. There are no words of condolences that will help in any way. Why Lord, Why?!?
Oh Lord, why?! Those are the situations that have no answer from our perspective. And you are right. No words could possibly console in these early raw moments of pain. God’s grace alone can reach into that mama’s heart.